Ontario Works - 单亲妈妈可以申请的补助
有朋友来咨询,好像单亲妈妈有个什么补助可以申请的?我也听说过的,但是从来没有仔细去研究,既然有人问了,我就去打听了一下。原来是Ontario Works,并不是只针对单亲妈妈的补助,只是单亲妈妈容易符合Ontario Works的条件了。
多伦多的Ontario Works申请介绍。http://www.toronto.ca/socialservices/applyworks.htm
York region如何申请Ontario Works补助?见附件。
另外针对单亲妈妈如何申请Ontario Works也在附件里有个文件。Single Mother’s Rights to Ontario Works
我们主要说的是针对里面的津贴补助。Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance includes money for food, shelter, clothing and other household costs for people who meet the financial and program criteria. The Province sets the financial assistance amounts. Find out about applying for Ontario Works.
要申请的条件里很重要的一条是:assets and income within Ontario Works limits.
Assets may include cash, as well as bonds, debentures, stocks, certificates, the cash surrender value of a life insurance policy, interest in property, a beneficial
interest in assets held in trust and other property which can be readily converted into cash, even if a financial penalty must be incurred to do so. Unless otherwise exempt, all assets are included in the determination of eligibility for income assistance.
Assets Limits根据家庭人口不同金额是不同的,具体见:http://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/documents/en/mcss/social/directives/ow/0402.pdf
如果你是租房的,没有车,银行存款在$1657以下,然后收入少于支出的,就可以申请了。而且申请Ontario Works批准后,你的所有收入支出等都要每月汇报,全部都是在监控下的了。我听说有个单亲妈妈就是申请了这个,不买房,不买车,银行的存款全部取出现金来放在银行保险柜里,基本就符合申请条件了。但是拿政府的钱可不那么舒服哦。既然拿着补助就得自觉的过着穷人的生活了。任何的收入政府都会调查的,而且每月都要review你的finance状况。所以也别想回国了,你哪里来的钱买机票?政府补贴给你的钱可不是让你买机票用的,补贴的钱是用在你租房,买菜,看病的,孩子买衣服的。
- basic needs – items such as food, clothing and personal needs
- shelter – housing costs such as rent, mortgage payments, utilities like gas and hydro, and more
- room and board – if your rent money also includes your meals
当然我没有申请过这个补助,对这个Ontario Works的了解也就是根据上面的一些政府的介绍,但是从常理来想,我觉得如果不是到了真正需要的时候还是没有必要去申请这个。但是至少我们了解一下,如果真正到了经济困难的时候,还有这个补助可以申请的。