星期二, 04 6月 2013 23:57


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Freephoneline自从被Fongo收购后,采取的策略是减少人力来降低成本。以前的购买unlock key或者转号都是通过打电话来实现的,现在一律都是在线购买了。

关于Freephoneline的注册会在另外一个文章里做介绍。这里只介绍转号和购买unlock key.

到网站www.freephoneline.ca 登陆后,点击Visit Online Store,然后选择 transfer my number ($25 one time fee)和 purchase unlock key ($50 one time fee).

接下来的页面是TRANSFER MY NUMBER页面,填写相应的信息,请注意如果是要转入的号码是手机的话选择mobile,然后account number一定要找出你原来手机服务商给你的账单,里面有你的account number,这个不是你的电话号码哦。你的名字和地址等一定是要和你原来那家服务商的账单里一样的。然后在最下面的两个yes那里都打勾,点击continue,到了付款页面. 请注意用来付款的信用卡的地址一定要和freephoneline账号里的地址一样,否则付款就会不成功。出现的错误会是Merchant Override Decline error。 出现这个错误的时候虽然信用卡当时是扣了钱,但是在7天内会把钱还给你的。


按照上次联系Freephoneline的经验,我先给 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 发了封邮件,


Dear Sirs,

I would like to transfer my phone number and buy the unlock key.

My account is:   Account Number: 

And I follow the website step by step, and I try three times and use three different credit cards, they all don’t work. 

•The first time it shows:    Error: PaymenTech error: Transaction error: 'Merchant Override Decline'

•The Second time: Error: Maximum attempts reached.

•The Third time: Error: Maximum attempts reached.

So now I give up the purchase online. And I don’t know whether they will deduct the money from my credit cards or not.

The number I want to transfer is: 

Please let me know how I can proceed the payment.

If you need more information, please feel free to contact me.  Looking forward to your early reply.



Thank you for your email.
Please work through these steps to help us help you as quickly as possible.
1) Visit our website to learn more about Fongo's current offerings, coverage and features at fongo.com.
2) Search our frequently asked questions at support.fongo.com.
3) Visit the Fongo Forum to search or participate in the Fongo customer community conversation at forum.fongo.com.
4) Check our Service Status page for service related issues at status.fongo.com.
5) Still unable to find a solution to your inquiry? Submit a support ticket at support.fongo.com and select your product and issue type.
Talk Freely,
The Fongo Team
This ticket will now be closed.




Dear Fongo user,

Thank you for your email. Your support ticket is being reviewed by a customer support agent who will respond within a few business days. In the meantime, we've included our frequently asked billing questions for your reference.

What is the cost to call outside of the Fongo Free Calling Cities?
An international call or a call to a location outside of the Fongo Free Calling Cities list costs a per minute rate + a $0.04 connection fee. To check the per minute rate for a specific number visit http://www.fongo.com/calling/long-distance/.

Why isn't my World Credit purchase showing on my account?
You may want to check whether you are logged into the correct account (especially if you have multiple accounts). Purchases cannot be transferred between accounts and they are non-refundable.

What is a Merchant Override Decline error?
A Merchant Override Decline means your purchase was not completed. Your credit card company will automatically release the funds they have reserved for the purchase within 7 business days (we have seen this take as long as 15 days). Generally, Merchant Override Decline errors result from a discrepancy between the credit card billing address and the address on your Fongo account. Please make sure to enter your billing address exactly as it appears on your credit card statement. Please note that multiple declined transactions in a short span of time will result in a Maximum Attempts reached error and you will not be able to complete your purchase for 24 hours.

What is a Do Not Honor error?
A Do Not Honor error means your purchase was not completed. Generally, Do Not Honor errors result from insufficient funds available on the credit card. Please contact your credit card company for more information.

How do I request a refund for my VoIP Unlock Key purchase?
VoIP Unlock Key purchases are non-refundable.

How do I correct a duplicate payment?
We will review your account payment history and respond shortly.

Talk Freely,

The Fongo Team




Hello there,

Our apologies for the delay in returning your request - we are working to transition our support processes and are experiencing a longer than expected response time.

Your credit card payment was declined by our financial system due to a Merchant Override. The payment did not go through. The funds have been segregated but not captured; the credit card company will automatically release the funds in 7 business days (sometimes is 10 or even 15).

Generally, this may be due to a discrepancy between the credit card billing address and the Fongo address. Please enter it as exactly shown on your credit card statement.

Thank you for your understanding.

Team Fongo Support







阅读 12796 次数 最后修改于 星期三, 05 6月 2013 00:25


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