星期一, 07 3月 2011 23:43


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目前收录170余本,从幼儿园开始(不过现在幼儿园的只收了一本),分阶段学习,学科学的同时也学习了阅读和语言,非常好的教材。每个pdf都内置语音(需要Adobe Reader9或以上),点PDF文件中的播放图标播放语音,纯电子档,纯正美音。我还是比较孤陋寡闻的,就是这个文件才让我知道原来PDF也可以带语音功能了。


SCOTTFORESMANLeveled Science Readers

Publisher:ScottForesman/Dorling Kindersley(DK)

Contentleveled readers teach science concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills? at each student’s reading level ? and allow students to read andexplore the wonders of nonfiction.Leveled science readersdeliver science content to help address the individual needs of allstudents. They reinforce reading skills and strategies while promotingscience understanding.


图片的那个exploring the universe是今天晚上我和女儿一起学的。



Download links.(link都已经失效了,因为文件比较大,所以就不上传了,附件是几个供大家参考的,需要全部的可以找我拷贝)


Scott science K and grade1.zip(25M)

Scott science Grade2.zip(81M) 

Scott science Grade3.zip(94M)

Scott science Grade4.zip(130M)

Scott science Grade5.zip(137M)

Scott science Grade6.zip(176M)

Scott science teachersguide.zip(11M)



Scott science K and grade1.zip(25M)

Scott science Grade2.zip(81M)

Scott science Grade3.zip(94M)

Scott science Grade4.zip(130M)

Scott science Grade5.zip(137M)

Scott science Grade6.zip(176M)

Scott science teachersguide.zip(11M)






Lessons in the Science Student's Book are organized in four units: Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Space and Technology. Each unit contains a balance between important science content and hands-on activities (through scaffolded inquiry) that support every lesson. You'll also find biographies, careers, and a NASA Connection in all units.


Resources for successfully teaching Scott Foresman Science are located in an easy-to-use guide. It includes easy-to-follow lesson plans; oversized mini-pages; cross-curricular options; quick activities; and quick summaries for when time is limited. Lessons are organized into four units: Life Science, Earth Science, PhysicalScience, and Space and Technology. Each unit contains important science content and hands-on activities

. You'll also find biographies, careers, and a NASA Connection in all units.





UNIT A: Life Science

Chapter 1: Living and Nonliving

- Lesson 1: What are living things?

- Lesson 2: What do plants need?

- Lesson 3: What do animals need?

- Lesson 4: What are nonliving things?

Chapter 2: Habitats

- Lesson 1: What is a forest habitat?

- Lesson 2: What is a wetland habitat?

- Lesson 3: What is an ocean habitat?

- Lesson 4: What is a desert habitat?

Chapter 3 How Plants and Animals Live

- Lesson 1: What helps animals live in their habitats?

- Lesson 2: How do animals get food?

- Lesson 3: What can help protect animals?

- Lesson 4: What are some parts of plants?

- Lesson 5: What helps protect plants?

Chapter 4: Life Cycles

- Lesson 1: How does a frog grow?

- Lesson 2: How does a butterfly grow?

- Lesson 3: How do animals grow and change?

- Lesson 4: How does a daisy grow?

- Lesson 5: How do trees grow?

- Lesson 6: How do plants grow and change?

Chapter 5: Food Chains

- Lesson 1: How do plants and animals get food?

- Lesson 2: How do living things get food in a rain forest?

- Lesson 3: How do living things get food in a marsh?


UNIT B: Earth Science

Chapter 6: Land, Water, and Air

- Lesson 1: What makes up Earth?

- Lesson 2: What are rocks and soil?

- Lesson 3: What changes land?

- Lesson 4: How do living things use natural resources?

- Lesson 5: How can you reduce, reuse, and recycle?

Chapter 7: Weather

- Lesson 1: How can you measure weather?

- Lesson 2: How do clouds form?

- Lesson 3: What are some kinds of wet weather?

- Lesson 4: What are the four seasons?


UNIT C: Physical Science

Chapter 8: Observing Matter

- Lesson 1: What is matter?

- Lesson 2: What are solids, liquids, and gases?

- Lesson 3: How does matter change?

- Lesson 4: How can water change? 

- Lesson 5: What are other ways matter changes?

Chapter 9: Movement and Sound

- Lesson 1: What makes things move?

- Lesson 2: What is speed?

- Lesson 3: How do things move?

- Lesson 4: What do magnets do?

- Lesson 5: How are sounds made?

- Lesson 6: What sounds are around us?

Chapter 10: Learning About Energy

- Lesson 1: What gives off heat?

- Lesson 2: What can energy do?

- Lesson 3: What makes light and shadows?

- Lesson 4: What uses energy around us?

- Lesson 5: How do you get energy?


UNIT D: Space and Technology

Chapter 11: Day and Night Sky

- Lesson 1: What is in the day sky?

- Lesson 2: What causes day and night?

- Lesson 3: What is in the night sky?

Chapter 12: Science in Our World

- Lesson 1: How do farmers use technology to grow food?

- Lesson 2: How does food get from the farm to the store?

- Lesson 3: What tools can you use to make dinner?

- Lesson 4: How do builders get wood for a house?

- Lesson 5: What are simple machines?

- Lesson 6: What can you use to communicate?


阅读 11583 次数 最后修改于 星期日, 03 3月 2013 23:50


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