星期二, 28 5月 2013 21:06

The Wizard of Oz (绿野仙踪)上演于The Ed Mirvish Theatre 和PDF书下载

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The Wizard of Oz (绿野仙踪)上演于The Ed Mirvish Theatre


由国际知名剧作家韦伯Andrew Lloyd Webber制作的《绿野仙踪》「The Wizard of Oz」舞台剧,又在多伦多上演了!The Wizard of Oz舞台剧虽说是新创作,但是故事却广为流传,被封为一代经典。而此次上演的舞台剧正是来自经典剧《绿野仙踪》的改编,看到熟悉的稻草人站在舞台上,光是想想就感觉非常精彩。当然,将一部烩炙人口的故事搬上舞台,在加入新要素的同时也不能废弃诸多经典要素。此次上演的这部新剧仍然保留着旧版本曾获奥斯卡大奖的经典歌曲,而由Tim Rice和Andrew Lloyd Webber所共同打造的音乐将会作为附加元素加入,让人们感受舞台剧新血液的同时,也能怀一下旧,这无疑给新老观众们带来了不同值得回味的东西。



Now on stage

Ed Mirvish Theatre, Toronto

244 Victoria Street

Andrew Lloyd Webber’s new production of The Wizard of Oz is an enchanting adaptation of the all-time classic, totally reconceived for the stage by the award-winning creative team that recently delighted Toronto audiences of all ages with the revival of The Sound of Music.

"Andrew Lloyd Webber finds new magic over the rainbow! A gorgeous sense of spectacle!" - New York Post

Developed from the ever popular MGM screenplay, this new production contains all the beloved songs from the Oscar®-winning movie score, all the favourite characters and iconic moments, plus a few surprises along the way, including new songs by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber.



1. even cheaper! new codes MOM4 $199 4 seats pack and MOMOZ $79 seats to August 18th certain excellent sections. details below... beats the WIZZOO code deal at $59.99 for the same section before June 19th.

4-pack tickets require a minimum purchase of 4 tickets and are in restricted to certain seating sections. 4 pack is available for any Tuesday-Friday and Sunday evening performance through August 18, 2013. Use code MOM4. $79 offer is available for any Tuesday-Friday and Sunday evening performance through August 18, 2013 on top-priced tickets. Use code MOMOZ. Does not include premium seats. E.O.& E.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Offers valid for select performances only. All prices are in Canadian dollars and include 13% HST and $3.25 CIF. Offers not valid on previously purchased tickets and cannot be combined with any other offers. Seating restrictions apply and seating is subject to availability. Not valid for Wednesday matinees. Offer maybe terminated at any time. No refunds or exchanges. There's a $30 Service charges apply for 4 tickets.. free delivery i guess. enjoy!

2. 谢谢Iris提供的信息。$39的票价还是值得看的。女儿终于同意和我一起去看了!

So, we would like to give you an offer you can't refuse: See THE WIZARD OF OZ for any performance from June 4 - July 7 for only $39 or $79. That's a savings of up to 50%. 

You must use the code HEART to access this valuable offer.

Others think that OZ will play for years so there is no hurry to see it now. But OZ must leave Toronto on August 18 to go on an extensive North American tour, beginning in Vegas and going on to L.A., San Francisco, etc. There are only 12 weeks left to enjoy the show in Toronto. 

Again, tickets are only $39 (for rear orchestra) and $79 (for front orchestra and mezzanine). All performances are eligible -- Tue-Sat 7:30 PM, with matinees on Wed, Sat & Sun 1:30 PM (there are also some added shows on Thur 1:30 PM and Sun at 7 PM) -- from June 4 to July 7. Keep in mind, with graduation, Father's Day and many other occasions falling during this time period, theatre tickets make a thoughtful and memorable gift. 

3. Sunday 7PM shows, Now $37 & $77 (这个是目前看到的最优惠的价格了)

Use Promo Code: LUCKY7



 Ticketking买MIRVISH THEATRES 演出的票 (2013-6-1)





至少要听一下那首over the rainbow.

最有名的那首Somewhere over the rainbow歌词如下:


Somewhere over the rainbow

Way up high,

There's a land that I heard of

Once in a lullaby.

Somewhere over the rainbow

Skies are blue,

And the dreams that you dare to dream

Really do come true.


Someday I'll wish upon a star

And wake up where the clouds are far

Behind me.

Where troubles melt like lemon drops

Away above the chimney tops

That's where you'll find me.


Somewhere over the rainbow

Bluebirds fly.

Birds fly over the rainbow.

Why then, oh why can't I?


If happy little bluebirds fly

Beyond the rainbow

Why, oh why can't I?  





另外还有个很大的一个文件280M的,没有上传,只是给大家看看介绍。the Wizard of Oz是一个系列,我们这里常说的绿野仙踪是指的第一部The Wonderful Wizard of Oz。

Author :L. Frank Baum

Title : All books about the Wizard of Oz

Publisher :Different Publishers

Year : 1900-1917

Format : PDF

Size : 280 Mb


Perhaps your boy or girl has already had one of the Oz Books. Then you don't need to be told the intense pleasure children find in these delightful tales. Go to your bookseller when next you have a present to select, and ask to see the Oz Books. They will make you wish you were a youngster again yourself. Read one of them at the bedtime hour you will enjoy it as much as the kiddies do.

1. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Geo M Hill) (1900)

2. The Land of Oz (Reilly & Lee) (1904)

3. Ozma Of Oz (1907)

4. Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (Reilly & Lee) (1908)

5. The Road To Oz (Reilly & Lee) (1909)

6. The Emerald City Of Oz (Reilly & Britton) (1910)

7. The Patchwork Girl Of Oz (Reilly & Lee) (1913)

8. Tik-Tok of Oz (Reilly & Britton) (1914)

9. The Scarecrow of Oz (Reilly & Lee) (1915)

10.The Lost Princess Of Oz (Reilly & Britton) (1917)

阅读 10293 次数 最后修改于 星期六, 08 6月 2013 23:11


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