星期二, 01 1月 2019 21:42

CNML Canadian National Math League 数学竞赛

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CNML Canadian National Math League 数学竞赛


如果说起Math League很多家长会搞不清楚两个Math league , 叫起来很像。


另外一个是 http://mathleague.org/

我们这里要讨论的CNML 是指的https://www.mathleague.com/




Math League is a Math competition for elementarymiddle, and high school students in the United StatesCanada, and other countries. The Math League was founded in 1977 by two high school mathematics teachers, Steven R. Conrad and Daniel Flegler.[1] Math Leagues, Inc. publishes old contests through a series of books entitled Math League Press. The purpose of the Math League Contests is to provide students "an enriching opportunity to participate in an academically-oriented activity" and to let students "gain recognition for mathematical achievement".[2]

Math League Logo.jpg

Math League runs three contest formats:

  • Grades 4-5: 30 multiple-choice questions to solve in 30 minutes, covering arithmetic and basic principles
  • Grades 6-8: 35 multiple-choice questions to solve in 30 minutes, covering advanced arithmetic and basic topics in geometry and algebra
  • Grades 9-12: Series of 6 contests. Each contest contains 6 short-answer questions to solve in 30 minutes, covering geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and other advanced pre-calculus topics.

Only plain paper, pencil or pen, and a calculator without QWERTY keyboard are allowed.[3]

Students who score above 12 points in grades 4 and 5, and above 15 points in grades 6-8 are awarded a "Certificate of Merit."


我最早接触CNML其实是他们的书。我买过亚马逊上math league的书。


这个系列有很多本书。最便宜的大概也是要将近20加币一本。每本书收集了三个年级的6年的竞赛真题和答案,但是没有具体的solution. 要买齐全部历届的真题,需要花好几百加币。

后来我研究到原来Math League有个非常好的学习系统。里面把所有历届的CNML的比赛真题都有,而且不仅有答案,还有solution。就是下面要推荐给大家的系统。




其实我最想介绍的是Math League有一个非常好的在线学习系统。 https://online.mathleague.com




美国“大联盟”(Math League)思维探索活动的一大特色就是它的在线智能学习系统, 这是美国国家自然科学基金会科研项目 (NSF, National Science Foundation), 是美国纽约州立大学20多年科研成果的结晶 (State University of New York at Stony Brook)。 美国“大联盟”(Math League)思维探索活动在线智能学习系统具有以下强大功能:

  • 个性化作业
  • 电子错题本
  • 即时测评
  • 遗忘曲线
  • 成长记录
  • 系统诊断

美国“大联盟”(Math League)思维探索活动已经连续举办了43年, 每年有来自全球(主要是北美)超过一百万名中小学生参赛。 美国“大联盟”(Math League)思维探索活动积累了丰富而系统的学生参赛数据。现在登录美国“大联盟”(Math League)思维探索活动在线智能学习系统, 完成任何一年的试卷(Contest),你就可以知道你相对于北美学生的成绩,即你的成绩在北美同年级学生中的排名。 

1. 题库检索: 包含1977年至今的竞赛真题及详解,学生可以通过检索相关选项(年级、知识点、难度、关键字等)查找到相应的题目。

2. 组卷&测试: 学生可以根据实际情况设置测试范围,从而进行阶段性的自我测试与练习,也可以挑选老师和父母布置的试卷进行在线测试。

3. 系统分析&复习: 根据您输入的时间,系统将会精确地分析出该时间段内学生的学习情况,并提供科学、全面的分析报告,最后生成有针对性的复习作业。

4. 错题本: 做错的题目会自动进入错题本,供学生进行错题练习,提高学习成绩。


我们开通的是加拿大的Math League Adaptive Learning System。只针对SMART群里的孩子。

如果直接在网站上开户的价格是:$19.98 (6个月),$35.96 (12个月),并且不包含老师布置作业。






The Math League Contests (www.mathleague.com) are designed to build student interest and confidence in mathematics through solving worthwhile problems. Over 1 million students around the world participate in Math League Contests each year. Every contest has questions from different areas of mathematics, suitable for the grade level indicated. The questions range in difficulty from straightforward through moderate to challenging. Many students first develop an interest in mathematics through problem-solving activities such as these contests.

Summary of Math League Adaptive Learning System Features (part):

  • The system can quickly help improve your students' performance on annual Math League Contests and increase their chances to qualify for the annual Math League Summer Tournament.

  • The system can provide your students with a personalized learning environment where they can learn at their own pace and measure their own progress.

  • The system allows your students to do practice work and to complete instructor/parent-assigned tests and homework assignments online. Based on their results, it builds individual study plans that your students can use to improve their math fundamentals and skills. It can tailor learning to your students.

  • Repository of questions: The system contains all the questions from the following Annual Math League Contests since 1977.

    • 4th Grade Contests (31 contests, 1988-1989 through 2018-2019)
    • 5th Grade Contests (31 contests, 1988-1989 through 2018-2019)
    • 6th Grade Contests (40 contests, 1979-1980 through 2018-2019)
    • 7th Grade Contests (42 contests, 1977-1978 through 2018-2019)
    • 8th Grade Contests (42 contests, 1977-1978 through 2018-2019)
    • Algebra Course 1 Contests (26 contests, 1993-1994 through 2018-2019)
    • High School Contests (252 contests, 1977-1978 through 2018-2019, 6 contests per year)
    • Stanford Math League Summer Tournament (2012 & 2013)
  • The system facilitates parents to participate in their children's learning process so they can understand and assist their children along the way to accomplish goals.

  • The system keeps track all the questions a student didn't answer correctly. We call this the "mistake list" of a particular student. A student can always check his/her "mistake list" and work on the questions again. The system can also generate "similar questions." Question A's similar questions are defined as the questions which have the same topic as that of Question A and the same level of difficulty.

  • The system can conduct analysis of a student's performance over a particular period, for example, the last two months, identifying the topics he/she has mastered (strengths), and the topics he/she needs more work (weaknesses), and generating questions for this student to improve his/her weaknesses.

  • Please check our FAQs at https://online.mathleague.com/faq/faqteacher.php for more detailed description of the system.

如果希望打印出来做的,可以用save as pdf或者print to pdf, 或者直接打印到打印机就可以。有的家长不希望孩子对着电脑做。我家一般是在IPAD里做,直接可以出成绩的。

虽然它有Study Math的链接,但是也是以做题的形式。我个人认为通过这个系统来作为基础的学习不是很合适,但是用来刷题或者是检验孩子的学习效果,是最合适不过的了。


使用说明链接:CNML Math League 美国数学大联盟系统使用介绍


补充一下例题的链接:Sample Contests

Here are all of the published sample contests. These can also be found under the contest purchase pages.

Sample 4th Grade Contest from 2018-2019 - Solutions

Sample 5th Grade Contest from 2018-2019 - Solutions

Sample 6th Grade Contest from 2018-2019 - Solutions

Sample 7th Grade Contest from 2018-2019 - Solutions

Sample 8th Grade Contest from 2018-2019 - Solutions

Sample High School Contest from 2018-2019 and Solutions

Sample 4th Grade Contest from 2012-2013 - Solutions

Sample 5th Grade Contest from 2012-2013 - Solutions

Sample 6th Grade Contest from 2012-2013 - Solutions

Sample 7th Grade Contest from 2012-2013 - Solutions

Sample 8th Grade Contest from 2012-2013 - Solutions

Sample High School Contest from 2012-2013 and Solutions

Sample Algebra 1 Contest from 2012-2013 - Solutions

Sample 4th Grade Contest from 2004-2005 - Solutions

Sample 5th Grade Contest from 2004-2005 - Solutions

Sample 6th Grade Contest from 2004-2005 - Solutions

Sample 7th Grade Contest from 2004-2005 - Solutions

Sample 8th Grade Contest from 2004-2005 - Solutions

Sample High School Contest from 2004-2005 and Solutions

Sample Algebra 1 Contest from 2004-2005 - Solutions

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