星期一, 11 5月 2015 00:11

关于occasional table的介绍

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关于occasional table的介绍

通常国内管这种叫茶几或者花柜,边桌等等,而这里归类叫occasional table, 常见的有以下四种。因为我自己一开始就也搞错过,最近有几个同学来订货的时候也对这几种table 的名字搞混了,所以觉得有必要再给大家解释一下。

1. Coffee Tables / Cocktail Tables
"Coffee" and "cocktail" are two terms used in reference to the same type of table. Coffee tables are low and usually placed in front of a couch to hold a beverage, the remote control and reading material. As is the case with all occasional tables, they are made of various materials, including glass, steel, wood and rattan. They are often used for display of objects such as coffee table books, when the tables are not being utilized. Coffee tables are put to use in living and family rooms, on furnished porches and in any other seating area.
这个就是放在沙发前面的那个叫Coffee Tables 或者 Cocktail Tables,不同叫法但是一个东西,通常用来放茶水饮料,遥控器,书报读物等。

2. Console Tables / Sofa Tables
Console tables and sofa tables are one in the same. They are long, rectangular tables that stand just higher than waist height on the average adult. Consoles are meant to go against a wall. They take on the name "sofa table" when placed behind a floating sofa, or a sofa that does not have its back to the wall. The original console tables were elaborately carved and gilded in precious metals. Consoles are most often placed in foyers, hallways, dining rooms and living rooms as an extra surface for lamps, decorative accents, mail, purses and car keys.
这个sofa table曾经被我错误的以为是沙发前的那个茶几,而其实不是的,sofa table是长方形的比coffee table要高,通常是靠墙放的,用来放一些小摆设或者台灯,装饰品的,也通常用来放钱包,车钥匙等。很多人是拿Sofa table当玄关桌用的,通常摆在一进门的附近区域,靠墙放的。

3. End Tables
End tables, as the name implies, are made to sit either end of a bed, couch or any other type of seating. Manufacturers often sell occasional table sets, which includes one coffee table for in front of the couch and two end tables for either side. The end table is a taller, smaller-surfaced version of a coffee table in that it acts as a catch-all. They are most often used for things like table lamps, telephones, coasters and framed photographs. End tables are sometimes used in the bedroom in place of nightstands. The difference between the two is that a nightstand has drawer and shelf storage, and most end tables do not.
end table,国内叫边桌或者边几,这个还是比较容易理解,而且不大会搞混的,是放在沙发边的正方形的小桌子,比sofa table矮,但是比coffee table高。一般用来放台灯,相框,电话等。也有人放在卧室里替代床头柜,end table和night table的区别是,后者带抽屉,前者一般不带抽屉。有个别带抽屉也是很小的一层,而night table(床头柜)都是一般2个大抽屉的。

4. Nesting Tables / Nested Tables
Nesting tables, also called nest-of-tables or nested tables, are a series of three or more occasional tables that are graduated in size to fit beneath one another. They are similar in style to end tables, and in some cases, the largest of the set is equal in proportion to an end table. Smaller nesting tables come in handy when an extra surface is temporarily needed. Apartment dwellers and those with small spaces often use the largest nesting table as an end table, storing the smaller ones underneath until they are needed. Certain styles of nesting tables---set side-by-side---easily convert to an impromptu coffee table.
nesting table就是这种一组的小桌子,大小不等的,有的2个一套,有的三个一套,通常可以层叠放在一起不占地方。根据需要来使用,一般如果住在apartment的地方小,可以买这种桌子。宜家很多这种nesting table可以选择,一套的价格在100刀以内。

5. 3 pack Occasional Table Set 

是一套occasional table的组合,通常是包含两个边桌和一个茶几的组合。

比如下面这个一套里有两个边几和一个茶几,3 pack的就表示这三个桌子是在一个包装箱里的,必须一起买的。但是这种通常价格比较便宜。

一般来说,在coffee table, end table, sofa table三种桌子里,最贵的是sofa table,最便宜的是end table.

阅读 7002 次数 最后修改于 星期一, 11 5月 2015 00:19


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