星期三, 06 4月 2011 21:01

Non for profit机构组建

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non for profit机构组建


第一步是要确定board members of the organzation,所以现在开始公开招聘哦,有意者请给我PM或者QQ留言。要求,有热心,有爱心,有时间,有精力。愿意为这个机构付出业余时间的。要做的事情很多。需要2~3名。请仔细研究下面的流程和附件,能力需能够胜任的。如果有能力参与申请下这个机构,估计求职的时候也是一大亮点哦。






Meet with the people in your group who will be the first board members of the organzation. Develop your mandate, as it will help you define your official "objects" in the incorporation process.


Contact the Ministry of Governmental Services Companies Branch at 1 800 361 3223 to discuss the application process and/or to attain a copy of the not-for profit incorporation form.



Conduct a NUANS search (i.e. Newly Upgraded Automated Name Search). You can do this on your own for about CA$20 or hire a consultant to do it for you. This step ensures that your proposed organization name isn't already taken. This is a mandatory step, as the original NUANS report must be sent to the Ministry of Governmental Services, Companies and Personal Property Security Branch along with your application.


Obtain legal advice on the application prior to submitting the incorporation form.



Complete the non-profit incorporation form in duplicate, sign both copies.



Send the completed application form and the original copy of the NUANS search to: Ministry of Governmental Services, Companies and Personal Property Security Branch, University Ave, Suite 200, Toronto ON M5G 2M2. Include a cheque payable to MINISTER OF FINANCE. The cost of processing the application is CA$155 for four to six weeks, or CA$255 for seven day service. For the seven day service, include a covering letter explaining that you want expedited service.



1.There is an electronic version of the non-profit incorporation form available at:http://www.ontario.ca/ontprodconsume...l02_167932.htm. Also, read the Not-For-Profit Incorporators Handbook, which is should be available at all public libraries in the province of Ontario, or online at:http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.o...ly/pgt/nfpinc/

2.An example NUANS consultant is DYE and Durham (1 800 668 8208)

3.There are at least two options for free legal advice in Ontario for this case: a) Lawyer Referral Service (30 mins free). Ask for a corporate/non-for-profit lawyer. 1-900-565-4577 (CA$6/call). b) Volunteer Lawyer Service, Queen St West, Toronto ON M5H 2N6, 416 977 4448, www.volunteerlawyers.org

阅读 8882 次数 最后修改于 星期五, 08 3月 2013 21:04


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