星期五, 22 11月 2013 22:13

冒充RBC的骗子电话18772165027, 18772145948 千万别打哦。

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冒充RBC的骗子电话18772165027, 18772145948 千万别打哦。

今天收到一个电话留言,是机器录音打来的,说是从RBC银行打来的,关于我的账户有重要信息,要我打18772145948回去听取信息,并且最后还强调这个不是一个tele-marketing call. 因为我的确是有RBC银行的账号,所以就打了18772145948过去,先要输入你收到留言的电话,听到这里我就开始觉得不对了,于是毅然挂断电话,开始上网搜索了,果然发现网上有人讨论过了,来自18772165027的电话留言让你回电话给18772145948就是一个骗局,你打电话过去会让你提供诸如电话,生日,搞不好还有银行账号之类的信息,所以百分百是个骗局。大家如果也收到这种留言的,千万不要打回去电话。





Rosemary Annposted toRBC Royal Bank - Canada

February 19 at 11:54am · 

Got a call from 1-877-216-5027 say they are Royal Bank of Canada asking me to call 1-877-214-5948. I do not bank with RBC but have other products. Message says they have urgent message for me, by name. So I call. Automative message asked me to confirm who I am, then asks me to confirm random identify questions. I hung up. My phone number is private/not listed/not displayed. Who is this and what do they [you] want?


M-C Charlton Same happened to me (found this post by googling the phone #). They called me 3 times in 20 mins on my cell so I called back. When a robot started asking me for my date of birth / postal code, I hung up. I am an RBC client - that is the only reason I called back but that is no way to deliver an "important message regarding my finances."

March 5 at 11:06am · 


David Field I also just received this phone call this morning. It seemed very scammy so I am disappointed that it might be a legitimate RBC phone number. I called the number on my banking card and there was nothing urgent noted on my account. If this is an RBC number and that is the automated service of RBC, it definitely needs to be improved as I thought it was a scam.

March 23 at 7:45am · 


Randall Logan Okay, I am beyond furious with Elaine's comment of February 19. I have been receiving many calls from 1-877-214-5948, claiming to be RBC, over the past 3 weeks (probably about 30+ calls!). I contacted my local branch, thay said absolutely not would t...See More

May 26 at 8:06am · 


Randall Logan Me again; after much searching and calling, I found that the 1-877-214-5948 calls from RBC are in fact legitimate. In my case, they were to call and remind me of an overdue Visa payment. Oddly, when I called my branch, 3 weeks ago when the calls sta...See More

May 26 at 9:15am · 


Mark Soiseth I have received a total of 6 automated calls from 1-877-216-5027 over the past 3 days. The voice identifies itself and asks me to confirm my identity by entering my birth date. When I do, it tells me I'm wrong and asks me to enter my birth date (again)...See More

May 30 at 5:54pm


Liz Bungay I've been getting this same call about 6 times a day. When they first started calling, I called the number on my card, and the representative said that they would never ask for security questions over the phone. Whether this is in fact a legitimate RBC...See More

August 1 at 12:58pm


Raymond Wali just got this call today, if this is legit,Royal Bank has some clowns running the show. What bank would ask to confirm personal information via automated messsage with no option to press zero to speak with an operator. Not impressed, in fact pretty livid.

August 6 at 7:53am · 


Mark Mitchell Just called RBC. They said that this is nothing to do with them.

October 7 at 11:00pm


Hollie June i have had a number calling me 6 times a day for a week now. tonight they asked me to confirm my personal info. if this is legit rbc you will lose my business. i spoke to a rep this a.m about my account....yet six more calls? its borderline harassment.

October 16 at 3:20pm via mobile


Sherry Harris Hayes I got this call 3 times today!!! Tomorrow I'm calling my local branch. I would NEVER NEVER NEVER verify personal info to an automated service RBC or not!!!

October 23 at 4:30pm


Pierre Guilbault Getting the same call from 1-877-216-5015 about my RBC account Trying to get personal informations to access my $$$ Call RBC no help their, Iam to small of Client.

October 25 at 1:46pm

阅读 12548 次数 最后修改于 星期五, 22 11月 2013 22:53


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