星期一, 02 12月 2013 00:40

加航卡 Aeroplan 怎么用?积分过期了怎么办?

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加航卡 Aeroplan 怎么用?积分过期了怎么办?








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What happens if my miles do expire?
If your Aeroplan Miles expire, your Aeroplan Card and Aeroplan Number remain valid, so you do not need to re-enrol in the Aeroplan Program the next time you want to accumulate miles. Simply use your card and your newly earned miles will be credited to your Aeroplan Account.

Expired miles are eligible for reinstatement and you may reinstate a portion or all of your expired miles for the administrative fees of C$30 plus C$0.01 per mile reinstated (plus any applicable taxes). Please read more about our 12-month mileage expiry policy >

If you wish to reinstate your Aeroplan Miles, you can call the Aeroplan Contact Centre: 1-800-259-1473 / 1-514-395-0300.

但是按照这个 C$30 plus C$0.01 per mile reinstated实在是很不合算的啊,如果我们按照6500分换50刀来计算,每分的价值是0.00769. 那么这个买回来的价格是每分1分钱,这样显然不合算的事情不知道这个买回积分的政策还有什么意义存在。



What is the 12-month mileage expiry policy?
All miles in an account expire if the Aeroplan Member has not accumulated or redeemed Aeroplan Miles for a period of 12 consecutive months. You can visit the Overview section of Your Account page at aeroplan.com and look under Account Expiry Status to know when your miles are set to expire under the 12-month mileage expiry policy.

Are there any exceptions to the 12-month mileage expiry policy? Aeroplan Accounts belonging to minors are exempt from the 12-month mileage expiry policy. Once the member reaches 18 years of age, they will have to stay active by having a qualifying activity within a period of 12 consecutive months. There are multiple ways to stay active. Only one of the following activities is required: accumulate, redeem, donate, or transfer miles (subject to applicable fees).  


CIBC offers primary CIBC Aerogold Visa Infinite, CIBC Aerogold Visa, CIBC Aerogold for Small Business and CIBC Aero Classic Visa cardholders a guarantee that their Aeroplan Miles will not expire due to inactivity, as long as they are in good standing. If the cardholder is no longer in good standing or no longer holds a CIBC Aeroplan-affiliated card and has been inactive for 12 consecutive months, then the miles in their account will expire.

Members who reach Air Canada Altitude status are also exempt from the 12-month mileage expiry policy. While a member maintains Air Canada Altitude status, their account will not expire. If the member no longer holds the Air Canada Altitude status and has been inactive for 12 consecutive months, then the miles in their account will expire.

How can I make sure my Aeroplan Miles will not expire under the 12-month mileage expiry policy?
As long as you stay active and have at least one qualifying activity in the previous 12 months, your Aeroplan Miles will not expire.

There are multiple ways to stay active. Only one of the following activities is required to keep your account active.

Accumulate: The Aeroplan Program thrives on its many partnerships with airlines, hotels, car rental agencies, retail businesses, services, and entertainment outlets-there are more than 75 Aeroplan Partners, representing more than 150 partner brands. Here are easy ways to accumulate:
"     Fill up your car at Esso stations
"     Buy your hardware at Home Hardware
"     Fly with Air Canada or Star Alliance carriers
"     Pay with your Aeroplan-affiliated credit card

Redeem your Aeroplan Miles for an array of flight rewards or non-air rewards.

Donate your Aeroplan Miles to one of our Beyond Miles charities.

Transfer your Aeroplan Miles to another member. Subject applicable fees apply.

What happens if my miles expire?
If your miles expire, they will be removed from your account.

What happens to my account when my miles expire?
Even if your Aeroplan Miles expire, you remain an Aeroplan Member. Your Aeroplan Card and Aeroplan Number remain valid, so you do not need to re-enrol in the Aeroplan Program the next time you want to earn miles. Simply use your card and the newly earned miles will be credited to your Aeroplan Account.

Can I reinstate my expired miles?     
Aeroplan allows members to reinstate all or a portion of their expired miles to their Aeroplan Account (subject to applicable fees).

Learn more about reinstating your miles >


阅读 16442 次数 最后修改于 星期四, 13 3月 2014 11:11


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