星期四, 15 9月 2011 14:00

YMCA Youth Entrepreneurship Program

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YMCA Youth Entrepreneurship Program


我一个朋友参加了这个program,好处是每两周拿$600元,每周上10小时的课,前提是年龄在15~29岁内,估计父母级的移民肯定都超龄了,年纪小的估计都在上学中,如果有家里处于这个年龄段,又闲置在家的可以去上这个program。记得不要说在上学(university或者college),如果是在打工的只能说是part-time,不能是full time。





Have you always wanted to be your own boss?


Our Youth Entrepreneurship Program serves youth with multiple barriers between the ages of 15 and 29. Individuals can be in receipt of OW, ODSP, etc, but cannot be obtaining EI benefits or hold a Reach Back status. This program is a life skills and self-employment based program that focuses on self-employment orientation, business plan development, business panels and interviews, business start-up, small business development and follow-up with stipend incentive. The program is six months in duration with groups beginning the 1st of April and the 1st of October.


YMCA Youth Entrepreneurship Program Orientation at

YMCA Business Centre

4855 14th avenue, Unit 3, Markham, ON, L3S 3L6 (Brimley Rd/14th Ave) on

Sept 30 (Fri) 2PM-4PM

Oct 3(Mon) 10AM-12PM

Oct 3 (Mon) 2PM-4PM


Call 905-948-9622 to register.一定要提前打电话注册的,因为还会email 给你东西填写的。


On the day of orientation, bring

1. Pen and paper.

2. S.I.N (Social Insurance number)

3. Void check. (这个我解释一下,就是你的支票当中写上大大的VOID字就可以了,是他们用来记录你的帐号信息用的,将来往里面打钱的)

4. Completed YEP concept Assignment (will be emailed to you at registration)

5. One government or business correspondence that shows your name and address people) 驾照即可。


Pls arrive 15 mins early for paperworks.a

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