星期二, 29 10月 2013 23:14


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一、Thinking: your idea 想好要做什么

二、Researching the market 市场调研

三. Planning做计划

四. Registering 注册公司


五. Permits and licences 许可和执照申请

六. Financing 资金

The success of your business depends on your having enough capital to purchase needed equipment, buy inventory, and pay overhead costs such as rents and salaries, plus additional working capital to enable you to take advantage of opportunities or survive temporary setbacks. Your financial requirements will generally fall into two main categories:

  1. Initial costs: land, building, fixtures, equipment, supplies, vehicles, pre-opening expenses and opening inventory
  2. Daily operating costs: rising inventories, payroll, rents, taxes, advertising, accounts receivable, etc.

Financing your business will come from a variety of sources.  The topic guide on financing, prepared by Business Services at Ottawa Public Library, includes the titles of Iain Williamson’s annual series on financing a business in Canada.  Use these for specific contact information and unusual funding sources.http://ottawa.bibliocommons.com/list/show/69391174_ottawabusinessservices/70239165_financing_small_business

The following are government information and programs for financing a business:

七、如何写Business Plan

Writing a Business Plan

A business plan is a road map to point the way to success.  The time it takes to create the plan will be more than repaid by the insight you gain. In your plan, you can examine the nuts and bolts of running a business.  If you are applying for a bank loan, a financial institution wants to see a sound business plan.

八. Taxes 税务



九、最后很重要的是政府对小企业的支持部门。Small business: advice, support services, regulations

Business support services and advice

You can get helpful business advice, support and services at these offices and centres.

Small Business Enterprise Centres

These centres can help you start or grow a business. These centres offer:

  • free consultations with a qualified business consultant
  • internet and computer access for business research and planning
  • review of business plans
  • consultations through a lawyer or accountant referral service
  • up-to-date information for entrepreneurs
  • access to directories, trade indexes and books
  • workshops and seminars
  • guidance on licenses, permits, registration, regulations and other documents you need to start a business
  • import and export information
  • information on patents, copyright and trademarks
  • mentoring and networking opportunities

Find a Small Business Enterprise Centre near you

Business Advisory Services

Our 12 Business Advisory Service offices can help you expand your business in Ontario and around the world. They offer:

  • access to government programs and events
  • market intelligence
  • market development support, including help with exporting
  • financial analysis and other benchmarking tools
  • access to financial assistance
  • support for innovation and new technology
  • networking and expert advice
  • information on government regulations, licences and permits for business.

Contact a Business Advisory Services office near you

E-Business Toolkit

Our comprehensive e-Business Toolkit is packed with resources to help you harness the power of the Internet and profit from e-business. The Toolkit contains an introductory handbook How You Can Profit from e-Business to help you get started and 16 booklets on a range of advanced e-business topics.

With the e-Business Toolkit as a guide you can:

  • Learn about e-business and all the new trends
  • Identify the right e-business solutions for your business
  • Get started with first steps
  • Apply advanced e-business techniques

e-Business Toolkit

Government regulations

Regulations set the standards and rules that ensure that the marketplace is safe and fair to everyone.

If you plan to – or currently – operate a business in Ontario, you could be affected by certain government regulations. 

Regulatory Registry

See the government’s online registry of regulations to:

  • find out how new or proposed government regulations could affect your business
  • comment on some proposed regulations

Search: Ontario regulations

Search business permits/licences

To search permits and licenses, use Bizpal – an online tool jointly managed by the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments.

Search for permits and licences


For more information on small business in Ontario, contact:

Email:  该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。
Phone: 416-325-6666
Toll Free: 866-668-4249
TTY: 416-325-4402
TTY Toll-Free: 877-408-3414


Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment
Attn: Communications and Public Affairs Branch
8th Floor, Hearst Block
900 Bay Street
Toronto ON  M7A2E1


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