星期五, 03 1月 2014 23:35

Linksys PAP2T的一些设置技巧

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Linksys PAP2T的一些设置技巧

听取IP地址是: ****110#

Factory Reset: ****73738# 然后提示按1确认,就恢复到出厂设置了。


Using PAP2T with SPA9000

here are the 2 parameters that you need to register the PAP2 on the SPA9000

- connect the ethernet of the PAP2 to a switch  that is where the SPA9000 WAN port is connected.

- get the IP address of the SPA9000 by dialing ****110#. do the same for hte PAP2

- Access the PAP2 IP address through IE.

- go to admin and advance setup.

- go to the LIne 1 of the PAP2

- under subcriber information, in the userID put in an extension number, I'd suggest 100-199

-on the proxy settings, put in under proxy the IP address of the SPA9000:6060

( ex.




 Cisco/Linksys VoIP Star Codes

Vertical Service Activation Codes (Star Codes)

Default Star Code


Description of Star Code Feature


Call Return Code

This code calls the last caller.


Call Redial Code

Redials the last number called. (Not in pap2t)


Blind Transfer Code

Begins a blind transfer of the current call to the extension specified after the activation code.


Call Back Act Code

Starts a callback when the last outbound call is not busy.


Call Back Deact Code

Cancels a callback.


Call Back Busy Act Code

Starts a callback when the last outbound call is busy. (Not in pap2t) 


Cfwd All Act Code

Forwards all calls to the extension specified after the activation code.




Italkbb用的也是Linksys的盒子,所以如果是出门的时候希望打到座机的电话会自动转到你手机里,这样设置也是可以的。不过现在我家已经不用ITALKBB了,所以没有测试。只是按照Linksys的这些star code就是可以这样设置。


Cfwd All Deact Code

Cancels call forwarding of all calls.


Cfwd Busy Act Code

Forwards busy calls to the extension specified after the activation code.


Cfwd Busy Deact Code

Cancels call forwarding of busy calls.


Cfwd No Ans Act Code

Forwards no-answer calls to the extension specified after the activation code.


Cfwd No Ans Deact Code

Cancels call forwarding of no-answer calls.


Cfwd Last Act Code

Forwards the last inbound or outbound calls to the extension specified after the activation code.


Cfwd Last Deact Code

Cancels call forwarding of the last inbound or outbound calls.


Block Last Act Code

Blocks the last inbound call.


Block Last Deact Code

Cancels blocking of the last inbound call.


Accept Last Act Code

Accepts the last outbound call. It lets the call ring through when do not disturb or call forwarding of all calls are enabled.


Accept Last Deact Code

Cancels the code to accept the last outbound call.


CW Act Code

Enables call waiting on all calls.


CW Deact Code

Disables call waiting on all calls.


CW Per Call Act Code

Enables call waiting for the next call.


CW Per Call Deact Code

Disables call waiting for the next call.


Block CID Act Code

Blocks caller ID on all outbound calls.


Block CID Deact Code

Removes caller ID blocking on all outbound calls.


Block CID Per Call Act Code

Blocks caller ID on the next outbound call.


Block CID Per Call Deact Code

Removes caller ID blocking on the next inbound call.


Block ANC Act Code

Blocks all anonymous calls.


Block ANC Deact Code

Removes blocking of all anonymous calls. 


DND Act Code

Enables the do not disturb feature.


DND Deact Code

Disables the do not disturb feature.


CID Act Code

Enables caller ID generation.


CID Deact Code

Disables caller ID generation.


CWCID Act Code

Enables call waiting, caller ID generation.


CWCID Deact Code

Disables call waiting, caller ID generation.


Dist Ring Act Code

Enables the distinctive ringing feature.


Dist Ring Deact Code

Disables the distinctive ringing feature.  The default is *46.


Speed Dial Act Code

Assigns a speed dial number.


Secure All Call Act Code

Makes all outbound calls secure.


Secure No Call Act Code

Makes all outbound calls not secure.


Secure One Call Act Code

Makes the next outbound call secure. (It is redundant if all outbound calls are secure by default.)


Secure One Call Deact Code

Makes the next outbound call not secure. (It is redundant if all outbound calls are not secure by default.)


Conference Act Code

If this code is specified, the user must enter it before dialing the third party for a conference call.


Attn-Xfer Act Code

If the code is specified, the user must enter it before dialing the third party for a call transfer.


Modem Line Toggle Code

Toggles the line to a modem. Modem pass-through mode can be triggered only by pre-dialing this code.


FAX Line Toggle Code

Toggles the line to a fax machine. (Not in pap2t)

These star codes may not work with all providers. Please check your VoIP provider for a list of which ones would be applicable to your service as some may not have been activated by them.

登陆到盒子的IP地址后在regional里可以看到对应的Star code,而且你也可以根据自己的习惯来修改这些Star code.







阅读 15501 次数 最后修改于 星期六, 04 1月 2014 00:55


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