星期四, 23 5月 2013 22:48

2013 Toronto Door Open多伦多开放日

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2013 Door Open

时间真快,又到了2013年的Door Open的时间了,Richmond Hill的Door Open已经过了,Doors Open Richmond Hill on Saturday, May 11, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 开放的地方都在我家附近的。http://www.richmondhill.ca/subpage.asp?pageid=heritage_doors_open_event


我还是比较喜欢Toronto 的Door Open, 时间是这个周末,May 25 & 26.


Explore Toronto's Buildings

The 14th annual Doors Open presented by Great Gulf offers residents and visitors an opportunity to take a peek behind the doors of over 150 architecturally, historically, culturally and socially significant buildings across the city on Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26, 2013.  

This year's theme is entitled 'Creators, Makers and Innovators' and features many older buildings that have been redesigned, re-invented and re-purposed into modern 21st century spaces that host collaborative teams of imaginative people who are creating new ways of thinking, making and doing. 


Since its inception in 2000, Doors Open has attracted more than two million visits in nearly 600 unique locations across the city. It is Canada's largest Doors Open event and one of the three largest Doors Open events in the world. Doors Open is produced by the City of Toronto in partnership with the broader community.


Print quick reference lists of the 2013 Buildings: 

Saturday, May 25 

Sunday, May 26 

里面虽然没有写Horse Place开放,但是去年我们去的时候是开放的,孩子可以在里面喂马,喂驴什么的,还有骑马训练的,我们2010年去的时候人还挺多的,还有骑马表演,11年没有去,12年去的时候只有骑马训练,没有表演,人也不多。今年还没有想好是不是还去。孩子们比较喜欢动物,对历史建筑什么的不感兴趣。跑马场旁边有个宠物乐园,里面猫啊狗啊的很多,还有兔子和鸟。

这个是更详细的建筑介绍,有图片的。http://www.torontomeet.com/index.php/threads/living-and-shopping/item/473-2013-toronto-door-open-event, 而且告诉你停车是收费的还是免费的。而且还有个超级搜索的页面很方便。


今年有好多建筑是新加到开放日来的。比如:the Art Gallery of York University, Gladstone Hotel, King Edward Hotel, Old City Hall, Steam Whistle Brewery, Archives of Ontario等等。

这个是去年写的2012 Door Open的介绍。供参考。里面有horse place的地址。



阅读 9441 次数 最后修改于 星期六, 25 5月 2013 11:09


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