星期六, 24 5月 2014 09:37

2014 Door Open推荐的一些景点

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2014 Door Open推荐的一些景点

好几个同学都在群里说是否可以推荐一些Door open的景点。所以我就找了一些供大家参考。

Russell Carhouse


Saturday: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Last admittance: 4:45 pm

1403-1433 Queen St E 

The TTC typically makes one or two of its facilities available for Doors Open, which is a boon for transit nerds everywhere. This year we get a look inside the Russell Carhouse, where many streetcars are repaired. As an added bonus, a new low floor streetcar will be on hand for boarding, along with older models like the PCC and Peter Witt.


Waterfront BIA Queen’s Quay Terminal, Mike Filey & FIRESOUND


207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto, ON

Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Sunday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Free Ship Tours and more!


http://waterfrontbia.com/pdf/Waterfr...INAL%20ALL.pdf -


NEW guided tours! The charter boat business is one of the main tourism attractions at the Toronto Waterfront and has a rich history. The 13 participating ships will open their doors (and their gangways!) for FREE public dockside tours. The ships along the dock walls will be open for viewing from 10am to 5pm, subject to availability. 


FREE family fun at Gangways Open on Toronto’s Waterfront as part of the 15th annual Doors Open Toronto presented by Great Gulf, May 24 and 25 from 10am until 5pm. NEW this year, learn the rich history of Toronto’s oldest running ferry the Trillium (built 1910) from Toronto historian Mike Filey and experience the hidden musical talent of Firesound, a high energy 9-piece band comprised of Toronto firefighters! Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the William Lyon Mackenzie Fire Boat with a tour at the Toronto Fire and Marine Station 334. Have a picture taken with pirates as they invade the waterfront. Queen’s Quay Terminal will feature Toronto on the Water, an exhibit of archival photographs showcasing the history of Toronto’s waterfront. Vessels from Great Lakes Schooner Company, City View Cruise Lines, Mariposa Cruises, Nautical Adventures and Toronto Brigantine will be open to the public for guided deck tours.


The Bank of Upper Canada


地址是: 252 Adelaide St E

Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sunday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

If old buildings are your thing, this is one to have on your list. Built in 1834, this former bank on Adelaide between Jarvis and Sherbourne offers Doors Open visitors a chance to get a look at the inside of this Neo-Classical building and National Historic Site. It's a short tour, but one that will appeal to those curious about Toronto's oldest architecture.




The Theatre Centre

1115 Queen St W 

Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 am Last admittance: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Last admittance: 4:00 pm

Formerly a Carnegie library and a Canada Post office, The Theatre Centre is a welcome heritage conversion in condo-rich West Queen West. Having just opened in March, this Doors Open appearance should serve as a good first chance to check out the adapted space, which houses a 200 seat theatre as well as studio and gallery space. Making things even more interesting is that Mammalian Diving Reflex will be in the midst of setting up a new performance on the weekend.

The Theatre Centre is also hosting Food Trucks all weekend during lunch and dinner hours so you should plan to go hungry!




Gibraltar Point Lighthouse

480 Lakeshore Ave

Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Last admittance: 4:45 pm

Sunday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Last admittance: 4:45 pm

One of Toronto's oldest structures, and the site of the city's best known ghost story, this lighthouse probably only makes sense to visit if you're already heading to the Islands on the weekend. When here you can decide whether or not to skip over the 13th step, which some have said is where keep J. P. Rademuller was murdered way back in 1815.


这个景点有Walking tour是45分钟的,今年一共有九个Walking Tour, 在这个链接。所有的Walking tour都是免费的,但是需要提前注册的,不过早就开始注册了,现在估计已经都没有位置了。


还有推荐两个博物馆的: the Steamwhistle Brewery and the Roundhouse Museum:


Free beer and fun trains!  The brewery has free tours, and the museum has free admission.



R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant, 

Osgoode Hall 

Royal Alexandra Theatre

all fascinating to get a behind the scenes look at, they're a part of the program year in and year out, and many participants have already seen them. Throw in the fact that these are typically lineup-heavy destinations, and there's more and more reason to tailor your travels around the latest offerings.


Black Creek Pioneer Village 黑溪先祖村


1000 Murray Ross Pky 


阅读 7505 次数 最后修改于 星期六, 24 5月 2014 10:22


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