星期四, 28 3月 2013 14:31

Engineering Software Skills Enhancement-ESSE

(4 得票数)


ESSE(Engineering Software Skills Enhancement)

Engineering Software Skills Enhancement

前天找到的在Ontario Bridge Training里有一个是Humber提供的ECCE的program. 是针对 MECHANICAL, CIVIL AND ELECTRICAL的。我是属于Mechanical的。


The Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning is pleased to offer a FREE part time, 2-semester program that will provide internationally trained engineers with training in the latest technical and software skills in demand by Ontario employers:

  • AutoCAD (Electrical and Civil)
  • Project Management
  • WHMIS/Codes/Licensing and Professional Standards
  • Career Planning
  • Revit
  • Canadian Electrical Codes
  • Computer Aided Estimating
  • PLC (Programmable Logic Control)
  • Control Systems and Simulations
  • Ontario Building Code (OBC) - Part 9

The program focuses on MECHANICAL, CIVIL AND ELECTRICAL Engineering.

The program includes job search assistance, educational counselling, enhancement of workplace communication skills and on-going assistance to help you connect with employers.



Admission Requirements:

  • Be a Permanent Resident, Convention Refugee or Canadian Citizen 
  • Internationally trained engineer in Mechanical, Civil or Electrical disciplines
  • Have educational qualifications outside of Canada with a minimum equivalency to a 4-year Canadian Bachelors degree
  • Must achieve a Canadian Language Benchmark Level 7/8
  • Have up to date engineering experience in a related field 
  • Possess good computer literacy skills in MS Office Suite
  • Successfully complete an application interview


              Thank you for your interest in the Engineering Software Skills Enhancement (ESSE) Program. The program is offered for Civil, Electrical and Mechanical engineers who are newcomers to Canada. The program is 22 weeks over two semesters and is part time. Classes usually run in the evenings from Monday to Thursday, and also on Saturday mornings.


              The ESSE program has been developed to give you advanced training and experience in the Canadian workspace. Some of the courses include AutoCAD, Solidworks, Engineering codes and Standards. You will also receive on-going job search assistance to help you connect with employers. Please note that those courses are to be taken as a whole, and cannot be taken separately. If you wish to take those courses individually please contact our Continuing  Education team at 416-675-5094 or  该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 . Also, note that you will be part of a selection and your acceptance into the program is not guaranteed. As for the administration fee, you will only have to pay IF you get accepted into the program.


              To apply for the program, you will need to attend an information session and complete an application formUnfortunately we are not accepting any applications at this moment. Please contact us again in May or check our website for info-session updates:







还有就是每周要上5次课,一共22周。是个很艰巨的任务。我查了一下,距离我家30KM, 还在可以接受的范围内。要读书可不是那么容易的事情呢,幸亏LG过来了,不然我连读书的念头都不敢有。




We cannot guarantee we will be offering the program any time soon. We are still waiting on the Ministry’s decision to continue with the program or not. 

We will post the Ministry’s decision on our website as soon as we hear back from them. 





今天收到来信说新的一期要开课了,但是只针对for Civil and Electrical engineers only.

Dear all,


This email is to inform you that we will be offering the ESSE program in August for Civil and Electrical engineers only. Therefore, if neither of those streams relates to you, there is no need to come to the info-session.


We have registered you for the info-session below. Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible.







Thank you for your interest in the Engineering Software Skills Enhancement Program  for professionally trained newcomers at the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, School of Applied Technology.


This is to confirm your participation at the Information Session for the above program.


Date:  Wednesday, June 19th 2013          Time:  2:00pm

Location: Humber College, North Campus, 205 Humber College Boulevard, in F113


(You may enter at the Registration Entrance - Please see maps for directions)


For the Information Session, please bring the following:


·         A detailed chronological resume outlining your engineering experience

·         A copy of your Immigration (Residency) status card (to be verified against the original)

·         A copy of your English Language assessment test results (only Canadian Language Benchmark-CLB, will be accepted). Kindly note, If you have not undergone a CLB testing, you are still eligible to apply for our program.  We will provide you with a referral letter at the time of the Information session, which would enable you to do the test, free of charge.  

·         A copy of your Academic credential evaluation for Canadian equivalency. You may get an online preliminary equivalency done through World Education Services (WES) for a fee of $25. Kindly note these fees are not covered by the program and would need to be borne by the participant. Please visit their website: http://www.wes.org/ca/students/preliminary.asp


The other organizations offering credential evaluation are as below:

·         Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)

·         Canadian Council for Professional Engineering (CCPE) or Engineers Canada

·         Comparative Education Services at the University of Toronto

·         International Credential Assessment Services (ICAS)


Kindly note that this session will begin promptly at 2:00pm. To avoid disruption while the session is in progress, those who arrive late will therefore not be admitted into the session and will need to reschedule for another day, subject to availability. Hence, we appreciate if you could arrive at least by TIME 15 MINUTES EARLIER, in order to get the documentation in place. If for any reason you are unable to attend the session, we would appreciate if you could keep us informed well in advance. Tel: 416-675-6622 ext. 4162 or email: 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 .


Please confirm your attendance and your Engineering background by email to 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 .


For directions, bus schedules and parking information, please visit the following links












我不是Civil 或者 Electrical engineers 背景的,所以就回复说这次不参加了。等着针对Mechanical Engineer的那期。

阅读 11811 次数 最后修改于 星期五, 21 6月 2013 00:20


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-1 # 很有用的信息conjeewei 2013-03-31 22:46

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