星期一, 03 6月 2013 20:18

TCDSB -Adult Education Program Directory-Free English Classes 免费的英语学习

(1 投票)


TCDSB -Adult Education Program Directory-Free English Classes 免费的英语学习





Free English Classes 

LINC - Language Instruction for 

 Newcomers to Canada 

Literacy, levels 1-7 

ESL- English as a Second Language

 CLB levels 1-8

 Citizenship Preparation


 Academic Preparation

 Workplace Preparation

 Classes for Visitors

ELT - Enhanced Language Training 

LBS - Literacy and Basic Skills 

Other Services

Childminding & Nursery 

Settlement Services








The Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada program is designed for permanent residents and convention refugees. The goal of this program

is to help learners achieve basic to high intermediate levels of English proficiency. The Canadian content of the LINC classes offers practical information

about life in Canada, focuses on social and cultural issues and, through a variety of field trips, links learners to their community.


 Permanent residents and convention refugees, 18 years or older

 LINC classes are not open to Canadian Citizens and refugee claimants.


English as a Second Language classes range from Pre-Benchmark to CLB 8 and address the needs of learners who want to acquire, improve or perfect

their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Clear and systematic coverage of grammar structures is provided within a communicative context.


 Canadian citizens, permanent residents, refugee claimants and convention refugees whose first language is neither French nor English,

18 years or older

 individuals approved as a domestic workers admitted under the Live-In Caregiver program.

Citizenship Preparation

Citizenship Preparation classes prepare permanent residents for the Citizenship interview/test. The classes help newcomers develop and broaden

their knowledge of Canadian culture and become motivated to participate in the community. The classes cover topics such as Canadian History and

Geography, Rights and Responsibilities of a Citizen, Levels of Government, Elections and Voting Procedures.


The goal of these classes is to help learners develop the necessary skills to achieve the highest possible score on the TOEFL (Test of English as a

Foreign Language) test, increase their competency and confidence in spoken English and teach them how to write a well-developed essay on a general


Academic Preparation

These classes are offered to learners who are planning to attend colleges and universities and who want to improve and perfect their reading, writing,

communication and pronunciation skills needed to successfully pursue academic studies. Through a wide range of authentic materials, learners will

become familiar with the language used in topics common to academic texts. For more information on the types of classes offered, see “Academic

Preparation” on page 2 or call locations listed in this directory.

Workplace Preparation

Workplace Preparation classes are for learners who want to improve their language skills in order to function effectively in the workplace. For more

information on the types of classes offered, see “Workplace Preparation” on page 2 or call locations listed in this directory.

Classes for Visitors

Visitors and visa students are welcome to register in the ESL (English as a Second Language) classes as fee-paying students. Fee-paying students

are accepted if there is space in the class. The fee for non-resident students is $6.00 per hour. Please note that not all locations are able to accept

visitors and visa students. For more information, visit our website at www.tcdsb.org/adulted and click FIND A CLASS or call (416) 222-8282 ext. 2429.


Literacy and Basic Skills is an upgrading program that helps learners improve their reading, writing and basic mathematics so they can go to high

school, college or find suitable employment.


 19 years and older who speak English as their first language and to adult ESL learners with the CLB 7+ level of proficiency (Speaking only).

For more information, visit our website at www.tcdsb.org/adulted and click FIND A CLASS or call 416-397-6072.

Childminding & Nursery Services

Several locations offer free childminding and nursery services to children who are 31 months to 72 months old (some locations

19 months to 72 months old). The childminding and nursery facilities are for the children of the parent or legal guardian

attending classes in the same building. For more information, call or visit the locations that offer childminding and nursery



TCDSB的ELT就只有一种,是针对培养ESL instructor的,我所认识的好几个英语专业出身的妈妈都参加过这个培训,最后告诉我的就是要成为一个ESL instructor并不容易。

Engliesh Language Training for ESL Instructors is a higher level language program intended for internationally trained non-native speakers of English, is sectorspecific and offers a bridge to work component as well as language training.

This course is intended for internationally trained language teachers who are considering a career in adult ESL The course offers language upgrading with a

focus on the teaching of adult ESL and workplace preparation with a placement in an ESL classroom.


 permanent residents and convention refugees with minimum of CLB 7 in each of the four language skill areas.

阅读 11440 次数 最后修改于 星期一, 03 6月 2013 21:07


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