星期一, 03 6月 2013 23:26


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这个链接里有在线查询适合你的ESL课程,我们之前有分别介绍过TDSB, TCDSB, YRDSB, YCDSB等几家的ESL课程,而这个链接里是有所有的城市的以及下面介绍的这么多种类的ESL的在线检索功能。强烈推荐大家使用这个工具查找适合自己的ESL课程。


What different kinds of ESL programs are available?

English as a Second Language (ESL) programs are designed for specific skill levels, groups of learners, and specific purposes.

There are many different kinds of ESL programs. They are designed for people with different goals and levels of English. Before you sign up for a language program, make sure it is the right one for you. Find out what type of program it is and if you have to pay a fee.

Here are some examples:

  • Enhanced Language Training (ELT) - Programs that provide job-specific, advanced level English training to adults. ELT is particularly useful for internationally-trained professionals.
  • English linked skills programs - Classes that help learners develop English language skills while learning other business or technical skills, such as typing or computer skills.
  • English literacy development (ELD) programs - Classes for people who speak a language other than English and do not read or write very well in any language. Literacy classes help to improve reading, writing and basic math skills in English.
  • English for special needs programs - Classes that accommodate learners' emotional, physical and/or developmental needs.
  • English for special purposes programs - Classes that focus on language skills related to specific areas of interest (for example, workplace, or academic reading and writing).
  • Job preparation programs - Programs that provide ESL training for those getting ready for a job.
  • Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) - A program offered at no cost to eligible adult learners by the Government of Canada.
  • Occupation-specific language training (OSLT) - Programs that help newcomers learn the job-specific vocabulary they need to work in their field. OSLT is particularly useful for internationally-trained professionals. Some programs, such as those run by Colleges Ontario, also provide information about the socio-cultural skills needed at Canadian workplaces.
  • Private ESL programs - Classes at private language schools. Mainly focused on visitors to Canada and international students. Usually, you have to pay a fee for these classes.
  • Test preparation classes - Classes that help you prepare for certain English ability tests, such as TOEFL or IELTS.


阅读 9421 次数 最后修改于 星期一, 03 6月 2013 23:42


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