星期一, 08 5月 2017 10:12

Learning A-Z 进阶英语介绍

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Learning A-Z 进阶英语介绍


Learning A-Z 是美国的一个美国知名收费网站, Learning A-Z是一套用于引导学生在线阅读的产品,主要用于增强英文的阅读,写作和科学这三个的能力。这套教材目前用于美国和加拿大超过一半以上的学校和全世界超过180个国家使用, 在中国的国际学校也有在使用。

我第一次接触这个Learning A-Z 的时候就给搞晕了,这是一个很优秀的网站,但是产品划分上有点混乱,当然也不排除人家就是故意这样设计的市场策略。



Learning A-Z 的网站是 www.learninga-z.com



菜单的第一项是Products 可以看到它的各个产品。

Products 下面一共有8个。


这8项的产品里面的第一项Raz-Plus 是新推出的产品。Raz-Plus其实就是把Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids打了个包一起卖。

RAZ-plus的网站是: https://www.raz-plus.com/

Raz-Plus (Raz-Plus does include the full resources of both Reading A-Z and Raz-Kids.)

Students develop reading skills most efficiently when instruction, practice, and assessment are blended and informed by data. Raz-Plus is a blended learning platform that combines teacher-led whole-class and small-group instruction with technology-enabled resources for personalized reading practice. All resources are accessible online and available in printable, projectable, and digital formats to strengthen the connection between what is being taught and what students independently practice.

  • Deliver standards-aligned reading instruction with more than 50,000 resources that develop key 21st century skills.
  • Personalize reading practice with more than 3,000 developmentally appropriate leveled books and additional reading resources available in printable, projectable, online, and mobile formats.
  • Build comprehension skills and strategies with lesson plans, activity sheets, and quizzes that accompany each leveled book.
  • Inform instruction with online, data-driven reports that show individual and class-wide activity and performance.


Reading A-Z


Ranked the #1 reading instruction resource in an independent survey of more than 18,000 K-5 teachers, Reading A-Z is famous with educators for its extensive collection of leveled reading resources. With more than 1,500 books at 29 levels of reading difficulty to choose from, you can easily put developmentally appropriate content into each student's hands. The product also includes thousands of corresponding resources to enhance instruction and strengthen students' reading skills, such as guided lesson plans, worksheets, assessments, and much more.

  • Differentiate student reading with more than 1,500 books at 29 levels of reading difficulty.
  • Hone reading skills with lesson plans, worksheets, discussion cards, and comprehension quizzes that accompany every leveled book.
  • Teach important 21st century skills and address critical ELA curriculum standards with thousands of downloadable, projectable, and printable teaching materials.
  • Utilize hundreds of world language / translated books ideal for bilingual, ELL, and dual-language programs.



With billions of leveled readers already accessed across the world, Raz-Kids is an award-winning resource that provides a library of differentiated books at 29 levels of difficulty students use to practice reading in school, at home, or on the go. Digital and mobile access means that students get the personalized reading practice they need anytime, anywhere. And with easy-to-use online controls, teachers can quickly manage and track their students' reading progress in a matter of minutes.

  • Provide meaningful online reading practice on computers and mobile devices with hundreds of leveled books and corresponding quizzes offered at 29 levels of reading difficulty.
  • Encourage close reading skills and the reading and writing connection with interactive tools and constructed response quiz questions.
  • Make practicing reading fun with the engaging Kids A-Z eLearning environment, which includes built-in motivational rewards.
  • Easily track individual and class-wide progress with digital reports.



Headsprout is a research-proven kids' reading program that takes students on a digital journey to become better readers. With a cast of captivating characters to help them along the way, students complete interactive online episodes that continually teach the critical foundational reading skills and comprehension strategies students need to excel in the classroom and beyond. The program's instruction is designed to adapt to each student's specific needs and learning pace, and has received favorable independent reviews for its effectiveness in a variety of classroom environments.

  • Provide individualized learning with online and mobile instruction presented in two sequential instruction packages customized to meet each student's specific needs
  • Continually develop students' reading skills with built-in instructional sequencing
  • Ensure retention of reading skills with embedded smart error correction
  • Improve students' test scores and literacy rates

Science A-Z


Science A-Z is an award-winning curriculum resource that blends science and literacy into one captivating K-6 curriculum. The product delivers thousands of resources in Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, Engineering, and Process Science. In addition to a robust library of multilevel informational texts, Science A-Z also delivers engaging science experiments, hands-on activities, and other collaborative learning opportunities that allow students to think and act like scientists.

  • Customize and differentiate instruction with multilevel materials in English and Spanish that help satisfy both science and ELA curriculum standards
  • Put broad science concepts and core ideas into context with high-interest reading materials and hands-on science experiments
  • Easily access background information, answer keys, and cross-curricular extension ideas to continue learning
  • Expand students’ understanding of science content, current events, and STEM fields with interactive eResources and additional learning opportunities

Writing A-Z


Writing A-Z provides the differentiated materials and instruction tools K-6 educators need to teach writing in the classroom. With an extensive collection of resources differentiated at 5 developmental levels, teachers can easily provide the lessons and activities their students need to improve their writing skills. The product also delivers a set of eLearning tools students can use to practice their creative and process writing skills and submit assignments to their teacher online.

  • Differentiate instruction with leveled lessons and activities available in printable and projectable formats
  • Model the individual writing skills students need to thrive with digitally delivered skill-building resources
  • Provide interactive writing opportunities with eLearning tools students can use in school or at home
  • Easily track individual and class-wide progress with digital reports and teacher management controls

Vocabulary A-Z


Vocabulary A-Z is an online resource teachers use to select vocabulary words and build custom lesson plans, or choose premade lessons. The product offers a variety of ways to support vocabulary learning in the classroom with a database of more than 14,000 words, premade vocabulary lists and lessons, and customizable 5 day lesson plans. And with Vocabulary A-Z's Learning A-Z connections, it's easy to incorporate vocabulary instruction with other Learning A-Z products.

  • Choose from hundreds of pre-made lessons that correlate to other Learning A-Z resources and various basal series
  • Create custom vocabulary lessons from a database of more than 14,000 words
  • Quickly select vocabulary words from hundreds of pre-made word lists
  • Teach vocabulary using research-based practices with our automated 5 day lesson plans

ReadyTest A-Z


Today, teachers and administrators face pressure to deliver results on standardized tests like never before. ReadyTest A-Z is an online resource that prepares students for success on high-stakes ELA assessments. With the product's collection of teacher-led test-taking lessons and grade-appropriate ELA practice tests, students and educators have the tools they need to develop students' close reading skills, improve testing self-confidence, and strengthen test-taking stamina.

  • Prepare students for success with printable and computer-based, grade-appropriate practice tests
  • Provide experience with different question-and-answer types found on today's ELA standardized assessments
  • Improve students' test-taking skills with a collection of printable and projectable lessons
  • Easily track student and class-wide progress and determine areas of weakness with online reporting




比如说Science Literacy Collection就是包含了RAZ PLUS和Science A-Z . 那么其实也就是包含了三项了,因为RAZ Plus本身就包含了Reading A-Z 和RAZ Kids. 

我们这次组织的读书俱乐部就是用的Science Literacy Collection这个套餐。



看完这篇介绍,相信大家对Learning A-Z 的结构就有个清楚的认识了。

下面的几篇文章是分别介绍它的各个产品。重点会介绍的是RAZ Kids. 以及家长如何有效的鼓励孩子用这个系统来学习。

 Learning A-Z使用攻略之 Raz-Kids

阅读 9381 次数 最后修改于 星期二, 05 5月 2020 23:07


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