星期二, 29 3月 2011 20:25

Child Care Fee Assistance(托儿补助)

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Child Care Fee Assistance(托儿补助)




很多帖子都是关于在多伦多的申请托儿补助的,只是现在我的新家是属于york region的了。所以查了一下政府的网址。



发现自己是非常符合条件的。所以上午就打电话给。 1-888-703-KIDS (5437) ,电话里问了我的家庭情况,包括家庭地址,电话,姓名,工作等。当她问我是否有配偶时,我说有,但是还在中国,所以她说这个是separated,我一直以为separated是分居的意思,看来我们理解的“分居”和他们理解的“分居”是两个概念。老外认为分居就是夫妻两个不在一起就是分居,而我的理解是离婚前的分开叫分居。不管怎么说,很顺利就登记好了。然后说会有专人在3~5工作日给我打电话。结果2小时后,就有人打电话来了,非常耐心和蔼的态度,我简直受宠若惊,问了我公司名称,工作时间,然后说今天下午就会给我寄材料,会提供可以选择的daycare清单给我,然后安排面试。然后我赶紧给Ben打电话,让他和现在的房主联系说,如果有我的邮件马上通知我去取。因为我在给孩子申请daycare。


看来申请这个托儿补助比我想象中的简单。只是听说多伦多地区的很难等,要排队很久。但是york region的好像比较容易,因为那里大多数家庭收入都是7W以上的。像我这种绝对是属于贫困家庭了。但是现在还不知道,要等拿到补助的时候才知道是否york region就会比较容易点。现在还是想当然的。不过我已经想好办法了,我是符合given priority的对象的。要争取在儿子来之前把这个事情搞定。



Who is eligible to receive Child Care Fee Assistance?


It is available to families who live in York Region who have:

children aged birth to 10 years (up to 12 years in exceptional circumstances)

an assessed financial need

parents that are employed or enrolled in an education or training program

Requests for Child Care Fee Assistance may be considered to support exceptional needs where health, safety or well-being of a family member is at significant risk.



How do I apply and get on the Wait List for Child Care Fee Assistance?


1. Call the toll-free KIDS LINE for a pre-screening

Call 1-888-703-KIDS (5437), and press option 3. We ask you a standard set of questions about your child care needs and income. Based on the information you provide, we tell you if you are eligible to be placed on the Wait List for Child Care Fee Assistance.


Call the toll-free Child Care Language Line at 1-866-243-9924 if you would like to apply for Child Care Fee Assistance with the support of a cultural interpreter. Free translation and interpretation services are available to families who speak Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Russian, Farsi, Spanish, Tamil, Urdu, or Vietnamese.


Please Note: If you are eligible to be put on the Wait List, you may not be eligible for Fee Assistance. Eligibility for Child Care Fee Assistance can only be determined at an Intake Interview.


2. Wait for confirmation and list of approved child care programs

Once your name is added to the Wait List, you receive a letter in the mail confirming the date you registered and the documents you need to bring to an Intake Interview. You also receive a list of approved programs in your area that provide child care to fee-assisted families.


3. Find a child care program

Choose an approved child care program from the list you received with your confirmation letter, and register your child(ren) on that program's wait list. The child care program's wait list is separate from the York Region Wait List for child care fee assistance.


4. Attend an intake interview

When your name reaches the top of the York Region Wait List, we call you to attend an Intake Interview at a local Family and Children's Services office.



Is anyone given priority on the Wait List?


Families with a net income of $36,000 or less are given priority for child care fee assistance. Priority consideration may also be given to families experiencing exceptional circumstances. These include a single parent at risk of losing employment due to lack of child care or a community agency referral where health, safety or well being of family member is at significant risk.



How is Eligibility Determined?


Eligibility is determined at your Intake Interview using a provincially mandated income test. We tell you how much York Region is committed to pay directly to the Child Care Provider that you have chosen and how much you are required to pay.


Applicants for child care fee assistance must file an Income Tax return annually and provide their Income Tax Notice of Assessment or Canada Child Tax Benefit Notice. Eligibility for child care fee assistance is based on income only. Assets, living expenses and debts are no longer considered.



What is the Income Test? 


Until December 31, 2006, eligibility for child care fee assistance was determined through a needs-based test. This required the ongoing evaluation of several documents such as household receipts and bank statements.

As of January 1, 2007, eligibility for child care fee assistance changed to a provincially mandated income test.


What is Net Income? 


For the purpose of determining eligibility for child care fee assistance, net income is defined as:

The net income amount on line 236 of the Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment minus any federal Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) payment. The UCCB is not used when determining a family's child care fee assistance.


What kind of documents will parents need to bring to verify income? 


Parents will need to bring their most recent Notice of Assessment & Income Tax Return. If parents receive the UCCB, they will need to bring their most recent Canada Child Tax Benefit. 



How much can families now expect to pay for child care? 


The daily child care cost for a family receiving fee assistance will be based on net income, the age of the child(ren), and the number of days of care.

Assuming an average family daily child care cost of $ 43.00, the following chart shows what a family receiving child care fee assistance could pay for child care under the income test.

Net Family IncomeNew daily child care fee for licensed child care for subsidy As of January 1st, 2007

(Rounded to the nearest dollar)







Source: Ministry of Children and Youth Services.



Office Locations for Child Care Fee Assistance Intake Interviews


South Services Centre

50 High Tech Road, 4th Floor

Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4N7

(905) 762-1282

Serving: Markham, Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Vaughan


Newmarket Office

55 Eagle Street West,

Newmarket, ON L3Y 8W5

(905) 830-4444 

Serving: Aurora, King, Newmarket and Whitchurch-Stouffville


Georgina Office

24262 Woodbine Avenue

Keswick, ON L4P 3E9

(905) 989-1883 or (705) 437-2133

Serving: East Gwillimbury and Georgina

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