星期日, 30 6月 2013 00:03

加拿大安省托儿津贴福利申请-OCCS-Ontario Child Care Supplement for Working Families

(1 投票)


OCCS-Ontario Child Care Supplement for Working Families

上一篇我们说到Ontario Works,是我并不主张去申请的,这篇说的OCCS是可以申请的,而且我也是申请了被批准了的。

第一次收到OCCS的申请表是在2011年的11月,我估计是因为我给儿子申请的Subsidized Child care那里把我的信息发到了OCCS这里了,所以他们就给我寄来了一封申请表,让我填写

Enter the amount of Child Care Costs you paid over and above the subsidy. 而那个时候我们自己要付的是0,所以我就填了0了。



Ontario Child Care Supplement for Working Families

The Ontario Child Care Supplement for Working Families (OCCS) is a tax-free monthly payment for low- to moderate-income working families with children under seven years of age, born prior to July 1, 2009. Your child does not have to be in daycare for you to apply for the OCCS.

With the introduction of the Ontario Child Benefit (OCB) in July 2008, OCCS payments are now reduced, in part or in whole, by the amount of OCB received. For example, if you are a single parent eligible for the maximum OCCS benefit of $1,310 for your child and you receive $1,100 from OCB for this child, your OCCS entitlement for your child would be $210.

An online calculator provides an estimate of the amount of OCB benefit you may be entitled to.

Learn more by reading the Ontario Child Care Supplement for Working Families Guide

How do I qualify for OCCS?

You are eligible to receive OCCS if you:

  • are a resident of Ontario
  • have children under age seven, born prior to July 1, 2009
  • receive the federal Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)
  • have the appropriate income level or qualifying child care expenses
  • are not receiving fully subsidized daycare

How do I apply?

You must apply each year to receive the supplement. Here's how it works:

  1. You, and your spouse or common-law partner if you are married or in a common-law relationship, must file your annual personal income tax return(s).
  2. If your family qualifies, the Ministry of Finance will send you an application. Most families get these forms in April.
  3. You must review and complete the application form and send it back to the ministry.

How do I get an OCCS application if I didn't receive one?

If you receive the CCTB and didn't get an OCCS application, call the Ministry of Finance at 1 866 668-8297 and provide your personal information (e.g., full name, address, reference number). You will be sent a replacement application or you will be advised if you do not qualify.

If you do not receive the CCTB, contact the Canada Revenue Agency to obtain a CCTB applicaton. If you qualify for the federal benefit, and you meet the OCCS eligibility requirements, you will automatically be sent a personalized OCCS application to complete and return to the Ministry of Finance.

How much can I receive?

The maximum OCCS benefit for each child is $1,310 annually for single parents ($1,100 for two-parent families), reduced by the amount of OCB you receive for the child.

Your payment is based on the number of children in your family under seven years of age and born prior to July 1, 2009, and either: your adjusted family earned income and adjusted family net income; or 50% of your qualifying child care expenses. If your child care costs are fully subsidized by a government agency, your OCCS benefit entitlement is nil.

Prior to July 2011, only one individual was eligible to receive the OCCS payment in a particular month Parents who share custody may be receiving benefits on a six-month rotational schedule.

Beginning July 2011, each parent in a shared custody arrangement will receive the OCCS in a particular month. If entitled, you will receive monthly payments equal to 50% of the amount you would have received under the six-month rotational schedule. Over the course of the year, assuming there are no other changes to your family situation, you will receive the same amount as you would under the six-month rotational schedule.

Need a hand to prepare your tax return?

If you are unable to prepare your income tax and benefit return yourself, the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program may be able to help you.

More information

For more information about the OCCS, contact the Ministry of Finance at:

  • 1 866 668-8297
  • 1 800 263-7776 for teletypewriter (TTY)

For general information about the OCB, contact the Ministry of Children and Youth Services at:

  • 1 866 821-7770
  • 1 800 387-5559 for teletypewriter (TTY)

For information about the CCTB, contact the Canada Revenue Agency at:

  • 1 800 387-1193
  • 1 800 665-0354 for teletypewriter (TTY)












2013 OCCS Application


只找到2011年的OCCS Application form, 没有看见2012年的,应该也是填过的,只是不知道放在哪里了。但是Entitlement Notice的2011和2012都有。所以我觉得应该是填过2012年的。

下面这个文件是我收到的2013年的OCCS 申请表。当然我把个人信息那里都用黄色盖住了。





下面是2012的Entitlement Notice. 



1. 这里是家庭收入高于5000的部分,就是把你的家庭收入减去5000得到这个数字。

2. 把1的结果乘以0.21.得到2的数字。

3. 你今年报税的时候填的那个托儿费用的数值。除以2.

4. 2和3的取大值,但是每个孩子最多不超过1310。

5. 家庭收入减去20000.

6. 5的数字乘以8%

7. 把4的数字减去6的数字。

8. 把7的数字除以12个月。

9. 除以孩子的个数,比如一个孩子就除以1. 超过12岁的孩子不算在这里。

10. OCB entitlement的数值(每个孩子的)。OCB的数字在每年7月CRA寄给你的信里有写的,或者也可以自己在线估算。http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/taxcredits/CalculatorQuestions.asp

11. 最后9减去10得到OCCS给的每月补贴。如果说9比10大的话就是0了。





阅读 9392 次数 最后修改于 星期日, 28 7月 2013 21:54


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