星期六, 04 5月 2013 23:34

Comprehensive Coverage 车险包含什么?

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这篇写的Comprehensive Coverage不错,挺清楚的。简单的说Comprehensive Coverage就是车子除了驾驶时候的事故之外的保险就是有这个Comprehensive Coverage来cover的。比如火,盗,故意破坏。一般这部分的保费很低,比如我两辆车的Comprehensive Coverage费用是8刀每月。我还在犹豫到底是不是需要这部分。LG说国内叫盗抢险,他说意义不大。


What Does Comprehensive Coverage Car Insurance Cover?

A car is one of the most valuable possessions you will ever purchase. The moment you drive it away from the auto dealership, you run the risk of diminishing value due to auto accidents and other hazards. To minimize the potential for financial loss you may buy a policy with collision coverage to insure against hazards associated with auto accidents. To insure against other occurrences, you will need to purchase comprehensive coverage.

Not only can comprehensive coverage car insurance provide peace of mind by minimizing your potential for a financial loss due to vehicle damage, but if your car is financed, it will help you meet insurance requirements set out by your financial institution, which has an insurable interest until you pay off your loan.

What is Covered

Comprehensive car insurance is usually issued as a part of a package of first party "Physical Damage" coverages for your car. Your "Insuring Agreement" explains that comprehensive coverage pays for accidental damages to your car caused by "other than collision." This covers reimbursement for damage caused by fire, theft, vandalism and any other accidental occurrence, unless specifically excluded.

Your policy provides further definitions to clear up potential ambiguities in interpretation of collision versus comprehensive insurance provisions. For example, broken glass (regardless of the cause), collision with an airborne object, or collision with an animal are all collisions that are covered under Comprehensive Insurance. This is particularly important if you have comprehensive coverage but choose not to purchase collision coverage.

What is Excluded

As no policy can cover every known exposure, there are certain exclusions that apply, such as damage due to normal wear and tear, vehicle defects and collision damages not included in the comprehensive coverage definition.

阅读 17014 次数 最后修改于 星期三, 08 5月 2013 23:56


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