星期五, 27 3月 2015 15:04

2015车险更新-The Personal

(3 得票数)


2015车险更新-The Personal

3月初的时候收到the Personal 寄来的email 说那个Intelauto结果出来了,一共今年可以降低17%。 我的Civic的车是个人名下的,所以平时就可以网上就可以看到驾驶的情况。另外一辆在公司名下的车就在线不能看到。

Dear Client,

Here are your Intelauto savings, based on the data collected by the device installed in your HONDA CIVIC.

3 criteria are used to calculate your savings:

1. Annual kilometres (max: 10% savings)

Estimated annual kilometers : 9780 km (这个数字我觉得不准确啊,老公每天上班都很远的,一年才1万不到不大可能,不过去年有一阵子盒子坏了,不记录,后来又换了新盒子,不知道是否那一阵子的公里数就没有记录进去了。)

Your savings = 6 %

2. Fast accelerating and hard braking (max: 10% savings)
On average, 1.4 fast acceleration and hard braking events were recorded per 100 km.

Your savings = 8 %

3. Time of day (max: 5% savings)
On average, 31.3 of trips were made at low-risk times of the day.

Your savings = 3 %

Your Intelauto savings for this year: 17 %

Your renewal has been updated with the savings which are based on your actual driving habits and replace your enrolment discount. The data from your device will continue to be updated monthly so your Intelauto savings can be calculated for your next renewal.

Track your driving - by visiting your very own online dashboard on our Online Services to monitor your driving and adjust your driving habits to increase your savings.We encourage you to check it out regularly.

Still have questions? Contact us at

The Personal team

去年这辆2015 Civic的保费(三保)是1900多,今年来的更新的价格是1500多了。看来还是挺合算的。



阅读 7284 次数 最后修改于 星期五, 27 3月 2015 15:12


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