星期四, 18 7月 2013 21:55


(8 得票数)







3.Infants婴儿-9KG以下的婴儿用的是rear-facing car seat,就是面朝车子驾驶的反方向的。建议是到孩子1岁的时候再换方向。

4.Toddlers 9 to 18 kg (20-40 lb.)是坐面朝行驶方向的有靠背的那种安全座椅,正确使用的话是双肩和两腿之间都有安全带要系好的,而且婴儿座椅应该还有个tether strap,就是有个钩子可以勾在后座顶上的。






5. Pre-school to 8 years old,也就是说在8岁后无论身高体重多少都不需要用安全座椅了。

18KG后的8岁前的孩子需要坐的叫Booster,就是一个增高的椅座,在沃尔玛和Canadian Tire都有卖,大概20左右,促销的时候也就是10几加币。很便宜。


  • child turns eight years old
  • child weighs 36 kg (80 lb.)
  • child is 145 cm (4 feet-9 inches) tall.



 Safe and Secure - Choosing the right car seat for your child

Photo of a toddler and an infant

  • Infants
  • Toddlers
  • Pre-school to 8 years old
  • Youth
  • Important tips
  • Installation

Car crashes are the number one cause of death for Canadian children!

Properly used child seats and booster seats can significantly reduce the chance of children being hurt and/or killed in collisions.

Car seat clinics indicate that many car seats are installed improperly. Common errors include not tightening the seatbelt and harness enough, and not properly using a tether strap when required.

Photo of a youth a seat belt and a child in a booster seat

Make sure your child is safe and secure, and is buckled up right. Children under 13 years of age are safest in the back seat away from all active air bags.

By law, drivers are responsible for ensuring passengers under 16 years of age are secured properly. It is mandatory for anyone transporting children to make sure they are properly secured in a child car seat, booster seat or seatbelt.


Photo of rear-facing child car seat

Newborn babies and infants require special protection while in a vehicle. In a collision, using properly installed rear-facing car seats can save your child's life.

Infant car seats should face the back of the vehicle, rest at a 45-degree angle and move no more than 2.5 cm (1 in.) where the seatbelt or Universal Anchorage System (UAS) strap is routed through the child car seat. If necessary, use a towel or a foam bar (pool noodle) under the base of the child car seat to adjust the angle. Harness straps should sit at or below a baby's shoulders. You should not be able to fit more than one finger underneath the harness straps at the child's collarbone. The chest clip should be flat against the chest at armpit level.

When the child outgrows the maximum height and weight of his/her infant seat, you may require a convertible rear-facing seat until your child is ready to be facing forward. The law requires using a rear-facing car seat until the baby is at least 9 kilograms (20 lb.)

The law is a minimum requirement. It’s best to keep your child rear-facing until they are at least one year old or until they have reached either the maximum height or weight limits of the rear-facing seat.

  • Birth to 9 kg (20 lb.)
  • Rear-facing seat
  • Use away from an active airbag


Photo of toddler


A child can start riding facing forward when he or she is at least 9 kg (20 lb.).

To prevent the car seat from moving forward and causing injury in a collision, it is important to use the tether strap exactly as the manufacturer recommends. If your vehicle does not have a tether anchor in place, contact a dealership to have one installed.

To install a forward-facing car seat, fasten the tether strap, then use your body weight to tighten and fasten the seatbelt or Universal Anchorage System (UAS) strap.

Ensure that the shoulder straps are at or above the child's shoulders. Straps should be snug, with only one finger width between the strap and the child's chest. Avoid using aftermarket car seat products. They can become projectiles or may have hard or sharp surfaces that can hurt the child in a collision.

  • 9 to 18 kg (20-40 lb.)
  • Forward-facing seat
  • Use with a tether strap


Pre-school to 8 years old

Photo of booster seat

The law requires booster seats for children who have outgrown a child car seat but are too small for a regular seat belt.

Booster seats are required for children under the age of eight, weighing 18 kg or more but less than 36 kg (40-80 lb.) and who stand less than 145 cm (4 feet-9 inches) tall.

A child can start using a seatbelt alone once any one of the following criteria is met:

  • child turns eight years old
  • child weighs 36 kg (80 lb.)
  • child is 145 cm (4 feet-9 inches) tall.

Seatbelts are designed to protect adults. Booster seats raise the child up so that the adult seatbelt works more effectively. Booster seats protect against serious injury 3 ½ times better than seatbelts alone.

A lap and shoulder combination belt must be used with all booster seats. Your child's head must be supported by the top of the booster, vehicle seat or headrest. The shoulder strap must lie across the child's shoulder (not the neck or face) and middle of the chest, and the lap belt must cross low over the hips (not the stomach/abdomen). Never use seatbelt adjusters.

  • Between 18 and 36 kg (40—80 lb.)
  • Booster seat
  • Use with lap and shoulder belt


Photo of older child


Seatbelts are designed for adults and older children. Once your child can sit all the way against the vehicle seat back with legs bent comfortably over the edge of the seat, and with the shoulder belt flat across the shoulder and chest, he or she is ready to move from the booster seat to the vehicle seatbelt.

Make sure the shoulder strap lies across the child's shoulder and the middle of the chest (not the neck or face), and the lap belt crosses over the hips (not the stomach).

Children under 13 years of age are safest in the back seat. Never put two children in the same seatbelt or place the shoulder strap behind the child's back.

Use a seatbelt for every trip and teach your child to wear a seatbelt by always wearing one yourself!


  • 36 kg (80 lb.), or 145 cm (4', 9”) tall or 8 years old
  • One person. One seatbelt



Important tips to keep your child safe and secure…

Photo of child
  • Use the right seat for the child's height and weight. 
  • Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for correct child car seat installation and use. 
  • Be sure to secure the child correctly. Make sure harness straps are snug and tight. Use a tether strap with a forward-facing child car seat. Keep children away from all active air bags. Children under 13 years of age are safest in the back seat. 
  • Use caution when buying or using a pre-owned child car seat. Buy new, or from someone you know, and check it carefully. Make sure the car seat has:
    • instructions and all necessary hardware
    • not been in a collision
    • a Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSSsticker
    • not expired or beyond the seat's useful life date. Transport Canada provides a list of manufacturers of car seats and booster seats sold in Canada which includes the expiry/life date of their products atsafedrivers-childsafety-car-time-stages-1873.htm
    • no discoloured (stress) marks or cracks and the harness is not worn or torn.

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In Ontario, if your child has a special need (such as a medical condition that does not allow your child to use a conventional child car seat), you may choose to use a child restraint system that complies with federal safety standards governing alternative restraints for children with special needs (i.e. CMVSS 213.3 and 213.5) 

How Do I Know the Seat is Installed Correctly?

Carefully follow the owner's manuals for both your vehicle and the child car seat. Click here for step-by-step Tips for Installing Child Car Seats with photos.

Most importantly, ensure the seat is tightly secured. If you are having difficulty or want to have your child car seat installation inspected, contact your local public health unit.

To find a public health unit, check the blue pages of your phone book, call the ServiceOntario information line at 1-800-268-4686, or visit the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: Public Health Units.

For information on child car seat technician training courses hosted by St. John Ambulance, please visit www.sja.ca.



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