星期六, 19 10月 2013 22:48

加拿大水族馆Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada开张啦

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加拿大最大的水族馆Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada开张啦



Thousands of sharks, lobsters and sea turtles unveiled to the public Wednesday will not only delight and entertain visitors but also give a boost to Toronto’s economy, says Mayor Rob Ford.

“This is an absolutely beautiful aquarium,” Ford said at the grand opening of the new Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada. “It creates jobs, stimulates our economy. What more can we ask for?”

Putting together the 135,000-square-foot attraction at the base of the CN Tower took years of planning, said Jim Pattison, whose company owns the aquarium.

But come opening day, that effort appears to have paid off.

“I’m very, very pleased,” Pattison said. “It doesn’t matter whether you're young or old, it’s always very interesting.”

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A sawfish circles sklowly around in Dangerous Lagoon as Ripley's Aquarium of Canada opened to the public Wednesday.


Kids, grandparents and everyone in between celebrated the opening by checking out the aquarium’s 16,000-plus marine animals.

Nervous children tentatively touched giant crabs in one of the interactive areas, as staff stood by to teach them about the crawling creatures.

Over in the giant glass tunnel that makes up Dangerous Lagoon, there were oohs and ahs as giant marine animals swam just above visitors’ heads.


加拿大最大室内水族馆(Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada)于10月16日(周三)向公众开放,市民可有机会近距离观看鲨鱼、海龟、水母和其他海洋生物。






该水族馆占地达135,000平方英尺,为里普利娱乐公司(Ripley Entertainment)所有。水族馆有近16,000只海洋生物、450种物种,公众可在3个水池接触鲨鱼、马蹄蟹和水母。 


最引人注目的展览区被称为“危险的泻湖”(Dangerous Lagoon),这是一个储水290万升的水箱,里面装着鲨鱼、绿海龟、锯鳐和其他海洋生物。 



Annual Passes

We have annual passes, good for 365 days from date of first visit:

Adult Annual Pass: $100.00
Youth Annual Pass (ages 6-13): $60.00
Child Annual Pass (ages 3-5): $25.00
Senior Annual Pass (ages 65+): $60.00

*We are not currently selling annual passes online, but our friendly staff would be happy to talk to you about prices and how to order one during your visit to the Aquarium. You can contact us at: (647) 351-FISH (3474)

Ticket Prices

Tickets are good for one year from date of purchase. You may visit the aquarium at anytime during operating hours.

Adult: $29.98
Youth (ages 6- 13): $19.98
Child (ages 3-5): $9.98
Senior (+ 65): $19.98
*Kids 2 and under enjoy complimentary admission with adult guardian.



Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada


288 Bremner Boulevard

Toronto, ON M5J 3A6




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