星期三, 17 9月 2014 23:44

加拿大的Costco和美国运通卡American Express credit card分家了!

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加拿大的Costco和美国运通卡American Express credit card分家

September 17, 2014

Re: Important notice regarding changes to the American Express credit card program at Costco Wholesale Canada

Dear Member,

The credit card relationship between American Express and Costco Wholesale Canada will not be renewed when it expires on December 31, 2014. All holders of TrueEarnings or American Express Platinum Cash Rebate cards can continue to use their Cards at Costco warehouses and gas stations in Canada, as well as on Costco.ca and everywhere else that accepts American Express, until December 31, 2014.

原来在Costco办理的AE卡(TrueEarnings 或Platinum) 如果是在2014-12-31会过期的都不能再更新了,而且也只能使用到2014-12-31截止,不管是在Costco超市还是加油站或者是在其他商店。

If you have a TrueEarnings or American Express Platinum Cash Rebate card, here’s what you need to know:

如果你有AE卡(TrueEarnings 或Platinum) ,你必须要知道如下信息:

You may continue to use your TrueEarnings or American Express Platinum Cash Rebate Card at Costco warehouses and gas stations in Canada, as well as on Costco.ca and everywhere else that accepts American Express, until December 31, 2014, unless you accept a replacement card from American Express. If that is the case, you will no longer be able to use your TrueEarnings or American Express Platinum Cash Rebate Card or earn rewards on them.

你可以继续使用手里的AE卡(TrueEarnings 或Platinum) 在加拿大的Costco超市或加油站或者其他商店直到2014-12-31日,除非你接受更换新的AE卡,如果那样的话,你手里现在的AE卡(TrueEarnings 或Platinum) 就不能再用了。

Your TrueEarnings or American Express Platinum Cash Rebate Card will no longer be valid at Costco or at any other merchants after December 31, 2014. In addition, effective January 1, 2015, Costco warehouses and gas stations in Canada as well as Costco.ca will stop accepting all American Express Cards.

你手里的AE卡(TrueEarnings 或Platinum) 在2014-12-31之后将不能在任何一个地方使用了,无论是costco超市,加油站还是其他商店。并且,从2015-1-1开始,加拿大的Costco的超市、加油站和网站都不再接受任何的AE卡了。

You will continue to earn a cash rebate from American Express on that card until December 31, 2014 unless you accept a replacement card from American Express. Even if you accept a replacement card from American Express, you may continue to use the Costco membership card on the reverse of your TrueEarnings or American Express Platinum Cash Rebate Card as evidence of your Costco membership.

你可以继续使用AE卡来获得返点直到2014-12-31 除非你更换到AE卡的新卡,甚至如果你换了新的AE卡,你也可以继续用老的AE卡(反面是Costco的会员卡)来用做你Costco的会员卡。

We will have information about new payment and membership card options soon.


This change does not affect your Costco membership. 这一变化将不会影响你Costco的会员身份

Your Costco membership will not be affected by this change. You may continue to use the Costco membership card on the reverse of your TrueEarnings or American Express Platinum Cash Rebate Card as evidence of your Costco membership even if you accept a replacement card from American Express. We will have information about new payment and membership card options soon.


If you automatically bill your Costco membership renewal to your American Express credit card and your Costco membership renewal date is November 2014 or later, you will receive a paper renewal statement from Costco in the mail.


American Express cards will continue to be accepted at Costco locations in the United States.

Costco warehouses and gas stations in the U.S. will continue to accept American Express Cards after January 1, 2015, with the exception of TrueEarnings and American Express Platinum Cash Rebate cards issued in Canada.


We’re here to help. For more information, please visit your local Costco warehouse or call 1-800-463-3783.


We look forward to seeing you in the warehouse soon.





之前Costco的AE卡打的就是AE的牌子,我觉得这次Costco应该会做自己的牌子的信用卡了,当然还是会挂在VISA或者Master下的,就像沃尔玛的信用卡虽然打的是沃尔玛的牌子,但是还是在Master下面的。很多大超市都发行自己牌子的信用卡,比如沃尔玛,Canadian Tire, Target 等等,以Costco的实力,它完全可以发行自己的牌子的信用卡,估计应该是趁这次分手的机会树立自己的品牌。

阅读 9440 次数 最后修改于 星期四, 18 9月 2014 00:26


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