Prove It -Kenexa, 职业中介用来给求职者在线测试的工具
Prove It是Kenexa公司的用来做在线测试的一个系统,Kenexa号称是IBM旗下的公司。口号是:Identify True Talent and ensure you're selecting the right candidates for your business.
通常这里很多的job agency是用Proveit来给求职者做测试,因为这样比较省事,直接做完结果也就出来了。而且准确。今天正好是看一个朋友全程做了一遍下来,所以比较了解了。
比如Appleone就是用proveit 来测试candidate的。
1) You will receive an email from the ProveIt Test Administrator. PLEASE NOTE THE TOLL FREE NUMBER TO CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR
中介是可以选择软件的版本的,因为整个测试平台其实是类似于remote desktop,当然不是登陆到对方的电脑,但是是直接到对方电脑里的软件平台里去的,而Proveit的平台里是有各种的软件版本的,就比如说,中介想知道你对office 2007的应用情况,给你的ID里就已经指定好给你考试的是基于2007版本,如果你说你对2010熟悉,那么你可以告诉中介你希望用office 2010来考试。
2) Ensure that your computer meets or exceeds the Minimum System Requirements.
3) Under “Take a Test” enter your Session ID #, which can be found in the email from the Test Administrator.
4) When prompted, enter your personal information. All fields require completion.
5) After carefully reading the Disclaimer, click "I Accept" to proceed. If you do not accept the terms of the Disclaimer, click "I Decline" and contact your
administrator. 这个当然不用说了,都是选择I accept.
6) Click on the title you wish to begin. If you have been assigned more than one Assessment, you must complete your first selected Assessment before you will be allowed to begin another one.
- Data Entry Alpha Numeric [Onscreen]
- Microsoft Excel 2012 - Normal User
- Microsoft Word 2012 - Normal User
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2012 - Normal User
- Typing - General [5 Minutes Onscreen]
Word, excel, PowerPoint是会分normal user和Power user的,当然这个也是在管理员给你设定ID的时候就已经选好了的。每部分是30道题目。
7) After carefully reading the Instructions, click "Begin" to start.
8) Your Assessments will now launch!
一般来说很多招Office的职员都会用Prove IT来做测试,而如果是非常专业的职位往往是在公司里直接测试的多。
下面是一些比较典型的office 文员测试的项目,供参考。
Basic Office Skills
This test Basic Office Skills measures basic math and verbal skills. The test questions are evenly dispersed
among the following topical areas.
Basic Math (adding numbers, subtracting fractions)
Business Math (business related word problems)
Filing Skills (recognizing alphabetical order)
This test is designed for job candidates who need basic math and verbal skills in order to perform their job
Customer Service Mindset Survey
Customer Service Skills Survey measures the test taker's understanding of and attitude about customer
service practices. This survey is designed to measure the customer service aptitude of any customer service
representative and may be administered to those who deal with internal or external customers such as
customer service, technical support or retail sales workers.
Data Entry 10 Key [Onscreen]
This Data Entry test requires the test taker to type information into a simulation of a spreadsheet. The
session consists of entering a series of numbers. The results report of this test indicates the speed, in
keystrokes per hour, and accuracy of the data entry session. This test is appropriate to administer to those
whose Data Entry 10 Key speed is an important facet of their position.
Data Entry Alpha Numeric [Onscreen]
The Data Entry Alpha Numeric test measures the speed and accuracy of the test taker in conducting data
entry. The test requires the user to type information into a simulation of a database. The results report of
this test indicates the speed in keystrokes per hour and accuracy of the data entry session. This test is
appropriate to administer to those whose job description requires effective Data Entry skills.
Typing - General [5 Minutes Onscreen]
The Typing Speed test measures the speed and accuracy of a user's typing. The test presents the user with a
passage, which he/she must type as accurately and quickly as he/she can. This test should be given to
anyone whose typing speed needs to be measured.
Microsoft Excel 2003 - Normal User
The Microsoft Excel 2003 Normal User test is designed to test clerical level users of Excel who are
required to edit, develop and create Excel Workbooks. This test assesses the user's ability to create and
develop a basic Excel workbook, including the most commonly used commands for formatting cells,
navigation through the application, using formulas and changing the overall appearance of the spreadsheet.
The Microsoft Excel 2003 Power User test attempts to provide the basis for separating candidates who
possess limited exposure to Microsoft Excel 2002 from those who are conversant with the full functionality
of the software. The primary topics include advanced formatting and formula writing.
This test is designed to test candidates who will be required to use some of the more advanced features of
the program, while the bulk of their responsibilities fall within conducting more basic level activities.
Microsoft Word 2003 - Normal
User 30 Microsoft Word 2003 aims at evaluating the skill level of the test taker in navigating through
Microsoft Word 2003 as well as their ability to complete several commonly used tasks.
Among the tasks included in the Microsoft Word 2003 Normal User test are; formatting a document,
viewing a document, using tools, employing stylistic actions, creating tables, sorting data, and conducting
mail merges.
This Microsoft Word 2003 Power User test attempts to provide the basis for separating candidates who
possess limited exposure to Microsoft Word 2003 with those who are conversant with the full functionality
of the software. Advanced formatting, Auto Text, Templates, Tables, and Toolbars are among some of the
topics addressed in this examination.
This test is designed to assess candidates who will be required to use some of the more advanced features
of the program on a daily basis.
Depending upon the type of position you are applying for, you may be assessed
additional tests (i.e. accounting, legal office support, medical office support, etc.)
有的题目非常简单,比如加粗文本,改换字号等,题目共分为三个等级,比如说excel的,三个等级是basic, medium, advanced.
Basic的占多数,Medium的少一点,Advanced的就更少了。当然这是基于今天是normal user的前提。
For example in the detailed score report to the left, the incorrect question is a question about using the average function and is of an advanced level.
Consider the topic and the level of the question.
Excel 2010 Normal User Proveit Exam
Excel 2007的考试及答案。
Excel 2003的考试及答案。
Word 2010 Normal User Try 1
更多关于Prove It的视频看这个链接。
Amir Channel里有很多关于office 软件的考题和解答,建议大家看一下。很不错的资料。
第二个附件是另外一套考题的,是全套的whole test,有excel, word, powerpoint等,只是比较早的版本,但是其实考试内容都是一样的,只是在不同的软件版本上操作而已。题目要求是一样的。
第三个附件是另外一套office 2003的考题, 是normal user的。
1. 当然时间其实还是很宽裕的,所以不用着急。
而且题目里会说好,比如不能用print preview,或者不能用某种方式要达到某个要求等等。