Richmond Hill Receptionist 招聘前台-29岁以下Youth可以申请,但是不适合工签的留学生
The employer in Richmond Hill (located on Hwy 7 and Leslie) is looking for a Receptionist.
-Hours of work: 8:30-5:00PM Monday to Friday.
-Covering front desk.
-Other ad hoc tasks related to the administrative department.
-Fluency in English
If the candidate is willing, there can be more tasks for her to learn on the job. The ideal candidate should live in Richmond Hill or Markham to make things easier!
最新通知:因为这个职位是属于Youth Program. 就是年龄在15~29岁的,公民或者永久居民都可以,拿工签的留学生不适用。
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A.M.M.Zh (Toronto)
YK.B (Toronto)