星期日, 08 6月 2014 18:23

招聘-Mechanical HVAC & Piping Designer-国内工程师背景的可以试试

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招聘-Mechanical HVAC & Piping Designer-国内来的工程师可以试试

我朋友(华人)的一个公司,最近项目比较多,需要招contract 6个月的。让我帮忙看看是否有合适的。我和他的关系非常好,而且也曾经在他手下做过,绝对是个很好的老板。

使用的软件是AutoCAD MEP. 

下面是Job Description。


The CAD Mechanical HVAC / Piping Designer creates and establishes design drawings consistent with good practices and conformance to current Codes & Standards. The CAD operator applies standard drafting techniques to generate and interpret drawings in support of assigned projects, ensuring that all established company design standards and practices are followed. 


Essential Functions: 


* Generate HVAC and Piping design and detail drawings utilizing current AutoCAD MEP to support Lead Engineers. (Mechanical, piping/plumbing & underground utilities).

* Interacts with other engineering disciplines and works collaboratively with others in a team environment to accomplish objectives.

* Work with existing drawing database system to import new and existing drawings into the current database.


The Requirements

To be a good fit for this opportunity you will have:

• A bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering

• 3-5 years’ experience with a Design/Build Mechanical Contractor or HVAC consulting firm

• Strong leadership skills and the ability to influence without authority

• Excellent understanding of HVAC design fundamentals and systems applications

• Familiarity with Building Codes

• Proficiency in load calculations, systems design, layouts and trade coordination

• Proficiency in AutoCAD and Revit (or similar drafting software), load calculations & Energy Code compliance calculations

• Familiarity with Microsoft office, particularly Excel

• The ability to interact effectively with others in team environments

• Excellent organizational and time management skills

• Excellent oral and written communication skills

• Self starter mentality and strong desire to succeed

• The ability to stay focused and calm under pressure and deadlines

• The ability to remain adaptable and flexible




而且如果需要照顾家庭的妈妈,上班时间也是可以协商的,比如9:30 到3:00. 很人性化。工资是按照工作小时数来计算的。不是拿年薪的。

有兴趣的同学请把简历发给我。 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。



阅读 6332 次数 最后修改于 星期一, 09 6月 2014 00:51


QQ: 12585787

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