星期日, 07 12月 2014 01:14


(0 得票数)



One employer at Keele and St. Clair West is looking to fill 2 General Labor positions.

上班地址:Keele and St. Clair West

工资:Pay rate: $12.00 per hour rising to $12.50 after 3 months’ probation (paid every 2 weeks by direct bank deposit

Hours: Days – 7am to 3:30 p.m.  工作时间


Must have steel toed boots, all other PPE provided by employer (safety glasses, work gloves, smock)


Company Profile:  Process and recycle waste electronic and electrical equipment.  Collect from local municipalities including Toronto, Peel, Durham and Vaughan.  Take all electronics – TV’s, computer monitors, hard drives, games stations, hairdryers etc., to their central location break down the item and recycle the plastics, metal.  Approved by the Ministry of the Environment.


They hire laborers for permanent positions based on successfully passing 3 month probation period.  Job duties include working on any of the 3 lines as part of a 3-4 person team, breaking down electronics (e.g. computers – taking the screws out of the hard drive, throwing the plastic casing into large bins, disassembling the insides and sorting internal parts)


有兴趣的请和我的朋友Sue 直接联系,就说是看见语嫣发的招聘通知就行。

Sue的联系方式:电话:416-789-4862 ext. 236 (讲普通话的) 邮箱: 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。

阅读 5623 次数 最后修改于 星期日, 07 12月 2014 01:46


QQ: 12585787

网站: www.torontomeet.com

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