星期二, 11 12月 2012 20:53

Speakout 的UMB计划

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Speakout 的UMB计划


我用的是Android系统的,是Galaxy ACE.



Unlimited Data: $10/month

911 fees: $1.25/month

Caller ID: free

Voicemail: free (注意收听的时候占分钟数的,可以在座机上查收voice mail免费)

Incoming texts: free

Outgoing texts: 10cents/txt

Local calling: 25cents/min

Long distance: 45cents/min


手机必须是root过的。我的galaxy ace2 买的时候是锁定telus的,我给解锁了,然后root了。本来觉得很难,结果实际操作下来发现非常简单,解锁码和root. 一分钱没花,根据教程自己搞定。




A rooted Android phone running at least Android 2.2.


The Android image needs to have been compiled with iptables support (most custom roms).


Speakout Configuration


1. Speakout Wireless SIM cards can be bought from any 7/11 for $10, pick one up as well as a prepaid card ($25 is the lowest amount you can buy).


2. Pop in the SIM card, start your phone and dial *#06#. As soon as you type the last # a screen will pop up listing your IMEI number for your phone. Write it down.


3. Head over to the SIM card activation page and enter the required information: the activation code on your SIM card packaging and the IMEI number of your phone.


4. Your phone should be automatically assigned its new phone number and be ready to go, although you may need to wait a few minutes and then restart your phone for your phone to pick up on the change.


5. Create a new Speakout account and then add your new phone number to your account.


6. Now you can go back to the account page and at the bottom of the page you’ll see a list of available addons. Select the $10 – Unlimited Browsing addon to activate your a data plan.


Phone Configuration


1. On your Android phone head over Settings > Wireless and Networks > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names.


2. Delete any existing APN’s.


3. Add a new APN with the following settings:


Name: Speakout

APN: goam.com


Port: 80

Username: wapuser1

Password: wap


MMSC: http://mms.gprs.rogers.com

MMS Proxy:

MMS Port: 80

MCC: 302

MNC: 720

Authentication Type:

APN type: default,supl,mms

APN Protocol: IPv4

4. Now you should see your phone get a data connection and be able to browse the web on your 3G connection. Apps aren’t working yet unfortunately, we’re getting to it.


5. Download the latest copy of AutoProxy and install it on your phone. 这个我是花了1.99买了的,也可以用免费的 autoproxy Lite的, 但是不会自动启动。


6. Turn off wireless if you have it on (AutoProxy configures whatever connection is currently active). Then start AutoProxy and add a new proxy with the following settings:


Proxy Host:

Proxy Port: 80

Proxy Type: http

7. Save the configuration and then long press on your new configuration > Connect to this Proxy.


8. You’re all set. $10 unlimited browsing on your Android phone!


除了VOIP phone不能用,因为那个要用到5060的端口,其他app都可以。






rogers最近有个促销计划不错,到明年2月份截止的。是75加币一年的evening and weekend unlimited,我觉得这个不错,所以就开通了这个用了。

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