星期一, 24 2月 2014 23:04

Drive Clean Inspection 汽车尾气测试 2014

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Drive Clean Inspection 汽车尾气测试 2014



换Sticker可以在Service of Ontario 办理当场可以拿到,也可以在线办理。办理这个很快,但是关键的是车子是要做尾气测试的,汽车的尾气测试有效期是两年,renew sticker的时间就是和这个尾气测试有效期相关的。比如尾气报告还有1年有效期,你就不能换到两年的sticker。所以我一般都是尽最大的年限去renew sticker.


还记得2年前做尾气测试的地方,离开我家很近。找出原来的帖子里的电话,打了电话去问,早上8点到晚上6点。而且不用预约,地址也没有变化。说大概需要20分钟。于是我送完孩子上学,马上就冲到那里去,桌子上摆满了要做的车子和钥匙,我还怕要排队了,结果不到10分钟就做完,狠狠称赞了一下前台的帅哥,效率实在是太高了。共花了$39.55. 和两年钱的价格一样。

1.C.A.R.S/Carcone's Automotive Repair Service

375 Ohio Rd Richmond Hill L4C3A1

Phone 905884-8011




Most vehicles are “ready” to take the new test

All vehicles made in Canada since 1998 have an on board computer that records information about emissions related parts and systems as you drive. The new Drive Clean test captures that information to make sure your vehicle’s emissions control systems are working properly.

The information in your vehicle’s computer may have been erased if any of the following happened recently:

  • the vehicle was serviced and the battery was disconnected
  • the battery was replaced
  • the battery was drained, by leaving the headlights on, etc.
  • the computer codes were cleared or reset to turn off the “check engine” light (if you had repairs done to your vehicle recently) 看这里说的,就是如果你clear那个computer code来消除check engine灯,他们也查得出的。

MYTH传闻: Disconnecting your battery will help your vehicle pass the Drive Clean test.

FACT事实Disconnecting your battery will likely lead to an incomplete emissions.

 意思就是说你别以为把电池断开或者消除check engine灯就能够让你顺利通过尾气检测。

"Not ready" test result

If the Drive Clean test is not able to get the information from your vehicle’s on board computer, you will get a “not ready” result.

Before you get your vehicle re-tested, you’ll need to take your vehicle through a Drive Cycle.

Ask a qualified repair technician to tell you why your vehicle wasn’t ready.

If your vehicle is still not ready after two tests with no emissions problems identified, you will get a readiness conditional pass, if you meet specified conditions.

Getting your car ready with the drive cycle

Usually, you should only need to get your vehicle ready for the test if you have disconnected the battery or had recent repairs.

The drive cycle is different for every vehicle. In most cases, a day or two of highway and city driving should reset the vehicle computer and make it ready for the test.

Get information about the drive cycle for your specific vehicle by:

  • searching online for the drive cycle specific to your vehicle
  • checking your owner’s manual
  • speaking to your Drive Clean facility or mechanic

The readiness conditional pass

On February 6, 2013, Drive Clean introduced a temporary solution for individuals and car dealers who have a vehicle with repeated readiness problems. Learn more.

Is your "check engine" light on?

A vehicle with a "check engine" light on will likely fail the test.

看见了吧,我的车子前一阵子这个check engine的灯亮过,当时车行说是氧传感器要换了,说不换也行,就是尾气测试肯定通不过,但是那个灯过几天又不亮了。所以赶紧今天就去做了尾气测试,一次通过。我估计如果这个灯亮的话是通不过的。

 这个就是check engine的标识。

The "check engine" or "malfunction indicator" light means there is something wrong with your vehicle’s emissions control system. If you ignore the warning, you could be causing further damage that wastes fuel, shortens the engine life and may result in potentially expensive repairs.

Your vehicle’s computer will also register a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that indicates there is something wrong with the vehicle’s emissions control system that needs to be repaired. The Drive Clean test equipment connects to the on-board diagnostics computer and retrieves diagnostic information as part of the vehicle emissions inspection.

Information for car dealers

Some dealers’ vehicles have not been ready for the new Drive Clean test because:

  • The vehicle has been on the lot for a long time with a dead or disconnected battery.
  • Repairs or maintenance required the battery to be disconnected.
  • The vehicle has a weak battery that can barely start the engine and shows voltage dropping during cranking.
  • Computer codes were cleared or reset to turn off the “check engine” light (MIL).

You should get your emissions test done before:

  • leaving vehicles on the lot for an extended period of time. The Drive Clean test is good for one year
  • performing any repairs that require the battery to be disconnected
  • clearing codes in the vehicle’s on-board computer

You can get information about drive cycles for specific vehicles through aftermarket service information sources or the vehicle manufacturer’s technical website.

Checking for readiness before taking the test

You can check for readiness by plugging a portable scan tool into the vehicle’s diagnostic link connector to see if the monitors are ready. If the scan tool indicates the monitors are not ready, then the car needs to be run through a drive cycle.



尾气测试的结果直接是输入系统里的,在网上做renew sticker或者到service of ontario的时候他们系统里都能查得出的。但是他们还是给了我一份证明,说万一service of ontario电脑系统坏了的话,他们可以根据这个certificate直接给我发sticker. 

明天早上去renew license plate sticker.




于是今天他就开我的车去上班,我开车他的车还去前天那里去做尾气检测,他的车子的check engine灯亮的,所以说要先修理好才能做尾气检测。说要Diagnose(检查分析), 我原来在佳捷那里检查车子的时候读码都是不收费的,所以我以为这个老外车行也不收费,就说好的,diagnose吧。结果他们Diagnose了将近一个小时,回来给了个estimate,上面写着Diagnose就要150,说这还是个package的优惠价,否则更贵。然后说是个check valve坏了要换掉,换零件和人工费一共大概是170,再加上检测费150,再加税,哗啦一下就到300多了。我打电话去问了佳捷的小许,他说老外车行检查code都收费的,他们那里是不收的,只收零件费和修车费。据说civic的很多车check engine亮的话都是因为这个什么check valve的问题。





今天竞选团队开了一天的培训会,结束后赶紧去换零件了,换好零件后再reset,然后check engine的灯就不亮了。然后说得开上30,40公里后再去做尾气检测。不能马上就去,因为code里面是空的,不能做尾气检测。



今天正好开车去了downtown, 去Liberal 总部办事,要不怎么说开车去downtown简直是受罪,不是说路上不好开,是downtown的小路实在是多啊,路又小,停车位又难找。反正我绕着那个大楼5圈,最后没有找到停车的地方,就停到别的楼去了,然后再走过去。办完事情后就赶紧去做尾气检测了。当然不能再去家附近那个车行检测了,人家前天已经对我说他很不happy了。于是我就到小许那个附近有个做尾气检测的,也是老外的车行。叫Thorn Green Automotive Ltd。的做了检测了,我在里面喝了杯咖啡,10分钟就搞定了。价格一样,还是39.55,据说这个是统一价。


晚上回来查了Service of Ontario周六上午是上班的,所以明天上午去renew sticker.

阅读 12655 次数 最后修改于 星期五, 28 2月 2014 23:44


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