星期六, 01 3月 2014 14:59

Renew sticker 再谈更新车牌标签,不要忘记贴标签到ownership背面,否则会被罚款!

(2 得票数)


Renew sticker 再谈更新车牌标签,不要忘记贴标签到ownership背面,否则会被罚款!

上次更新车牌标签是在网上做的,这次是去Service of Ontario做的。

网上更新车牌标签的地址是 http://www.ontario.ca/driving-and-roads/licence-plate-sticker-renewal

更新车牌标签的时候是需要drive clean test 报告还在有效期内,如果尾气检测过期了,则必须先做尾气检测。尾气检测的文章链接

新车7年内不需要drive clean如果不卖车的话,如果新车7年内是卖给family member也不用做drive clean test. 

确认你的车是否需要做drive clean test,请通过这个链接


  1. your licence plate number
  2. valid credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express) or Interac® Online
  3. your insurance company name and policy number
  4. your odometer reading
  5. you may also need to provide your
    • vehicle inspection certificate number
    • Drive clean six-character security code

Online completion time: average 10 minutes


Renew your licence plate sticker now

Notice: Service Interruption
Due to scheduled maintenance this online service will be temporarily unavailable from 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 1 to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday March 2, 2014. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Visit a ServiceOntario centre if you are not eligible to renew online

我这次去的Service Ontario是在我家最近那个。

Richmond Hill

Unit 4, 10909 Yonge Street , Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 3E3


General Inquiry: (905) 780-6969

Health Card Inquiry: 1-888-376-5197

Driver & Vehicle Inquiry: 1-800-387-3445

Hours of Operation:

Monday to Wednesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.;

Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.;

Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Special Note:

If your document from Citizenship and Immigration Canada is a Temporary Resident Permit or a Work Permit (Employment Authorization) that says valid until or issued until a specific date, you cannot obtain health card services at this office. Please contact 1-866-532-3161 for further details.


我这个礼拜去过两次了。第一次为自己的车子renew sticker,那个女的问我带表格了没有,我说没有,然后她打印出表格,让我到旁边去填信息,公里数,保险公司名称和policy 号码,再签字。

今天去的是另外一个女的,也不用打印表格给我填,也不用我签字,只问了我一下车子的公里数。就好了。renew sticker大概5分钟就可以搞定了。

在这里还要特别强调的是,发给你的那个Vehicle Validation上面有三个标签。2个小的长方形的标签,一个是给你贴在Vehicle Licence (Plate) Renewal Application表格上的。另外一个是让你贴到ownership的背后的。另外一个大的上面有年和月的那个标签是让你贴到车牌右上角的。

我上次是网上更新来的邮寄到家的,只把最后一个大的贴到车牌上,没有仔细看说明,那个小的是要贴到ownership背面的,所以没有贴。上次有个妈妈告诉我说,那天她超速,被警察抓了,本来只要一张超速的罚单的,后来警察看她的ownership背后没有贴这个sticker标签,又开了一张罚单 $110, 当然她的车牌右上角是有sticker的,但是警察说ownership后面是必须也要贴的。真可怜啊。一下就拿了两张罚单。我那个时候听到后,看了我的ownership后面是也没有的,只是我都找不到2年前的sticker了,所以也没有办法。就想着等这次年检一定要记得贴到ownership背后了。


阅读 35556 次数 最后修改于 星期六, 01 3月 2014 23:54


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