星期五, 07 3月 2014 23:26


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Red Light Offences 闯红灯

Before you pay a red light ticket, make sure you know exactly what the penalties against you are. Not only do red light infractions carry a fine amount, but also will likely carry 3 demerit points and can increase your insurance rates. There are two types of red light infractions: red light ticket given by a police officer and red light camera tickets.



Red Light Infractions Given by a Police Officer

Red light infractions given by a police officer have both a fine amount to be paid along with 3 demerit points. When you receive a red light ticket from an officer you will have three options:

  1. Pleading guilty
  2. Pleading guilty with an explanation
  3. Trial / not guilty

If you pay a red light ticket you are automatically pleading guilty to the charge and will have to pay the fine along with receiving 3 demerit points on your record which will likely increase your insurance. A plea of guilt with an explanation is not a trial and your ticket will not be eliminated off of your record with this option. The trial option is the only way to fight for dismissal of the ticket or for a drastic reduction in the fine or demerit points.


Red Light Camera Tickets

Red light camera tickets are not given by a police officer, but are mailed to the owner of the vehicle. These tickets have a larger fine amount attached to them, but no demerit points. Since the red light camera does not know who is driving the car and does not provide driver’s licence information, demerit points and a conviction against a specific person is not possible. The owner of the car is responsible for paying the fine, but the ticket will not appear on their driver’s record nor will they receive any demerit points for the offence. There is no point in fighting a red light camera ticket in court since it does not register on your record. However, the fine does need to be paid since the owner of the car may have their permit validation refused or may be refused a new permit if the fine is outstanding.

交通灯摄录告票Red Light Camera Ticket是属於市政府所管辖的。这种告票有下列特点:

(1) 在街道的交匯处有两盏以上的拍摄机, 它们只感应车辆在红灯时才拍摄下来

(2) 当车辆在红灯亮起时超越灯号自动拍摄机便会录取该车辆, 同时当该车辆到达对岸时另一拍摄机同时摄录该车

(3) 不需要签发告票的人员出庭作供

(4) 不设Disclosure的机制

(5) 不会拍摄到车内人士的面貌否则无效

(6) 被拍摄的照片上中央有3行数码



关于打告票的服务公司,这里比较出名的两家XCOPPER, Pointts, 这里有一些讨论帖。





或者你google一下 points vs x copper 会有很多讨论的文章,当然别看这些公司的自己网站的介绍,因为卖瓜的肯定是说自己的瓜甜的。看看群众用过的都怎么评论的。


1. 很多人对这种打告票的公司众说纷纭。虽然这些公司都号称是前交警作为员工,认识很多现任警察。但是也有说他们收你很高的钱,然后他们再请paralegal去帮你打官司。有人就建议直接找paralegal。

2. 对于什么叫WIN?一定要事先和打告票公司讨论清楚。比如有的口号是 "We win or you don't pay" 或者  "guaranteed to win of it's free" 那么什么是WIN呢?扣6分减为扣4分是WIN?还是你心里认为一分也不扣才是WIN?原来要罚你300的,减为150也算WIN了?请打告票的公司,要付钱,然后打完官司还要付罚款,也许还是继续要扣分的,其实谁也不能给你打保票能够打赢官司的。这也是是否用打告票的公司是非常有争议的话题。

3. 如果打定主意要请打告票公司的话,那么在排期之前就要找他们,因为据说从排期开始就有讲究。

4. 很多人也建议自己丄庭打告票,如果打算自己丄庭的话,着装是非常重要的,一定要穿最正式的衣服。

5. 尽管鼓励自己丄庭去打告票,但是还是很多人并不comfortable自己去做这个事情的,所以的确很多人是请打告票公司去丄庭的。而且有些人也会是因为自己没有时间。更多的是觉得自己做得没有专业打告票公司做得好。


话说回来,这个交通灯自动摄录告票是最简单的了,就自己去就可以了,只要记得穿上正式的衣服就可以。一个实际案例就是:我的另外一个朋友Yuan是去年收到红灯摄像头告票的,他的经过就是:排期,然后丄庭,认罪,减半罚款,没有扣分,renew车险的时候没有影响。(NB: 他的车险是Scotialbank的)


阅读 19988 次数 最后修改于 星期一, 10 3月 2014 00:28


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