星期一, 07 10月 2013 22:22

小公司银行开户的最便宜方案-RBC Small Business eAccount

(1 投票)


小公司银行开户的最便宜方案-RBC Small Business eAccount

RBC有一个适合小公司银行开户的最佳方案叫 RBC Small Business eAccount.



RBC RBC Small Business eAccount
Monthly fees and volumes
Package fee None
Included account transactions
Debits (electronic) Unlimited
Credits(electronic) Unlimited
The following fees apply to transactions in excess of the included account transactions
Regular/In-branch debits or cheques $1.50
Regular/In-branch credits or deposits $3.50
Items deposited $0.20 each
Cash deposited (Night and Day Deposit) $2.00(1) per $1000
Cash deposited (ATM) $2.15 per $1000
Cash deposited (In-branch) $5.00 per $1000

RBC Small Business eAccount is a non-interest bearing account.

1) Reduced fee for cash deposited via Night and Day deposit may not be available in all areas. Please see your branch for details.

RBC 链接






第四, 接受Etransfer来的钱是免费的,如果用Etransfer付钱出去每笔$1。接受银行转账是免费的。转账出去要钱,我没有问多少钱。

第五,关于现金,在ATM存现金是$2.15 每$1000. 如果在柜台存现金是 $5.00每$1000. 再次感叹人工费贵啊。

第六,纸质账单每月$2.00,所以不要纸质的,用electronic statement就可以了,不要钱的。

在线pay bill应该是不要钱的,我觉得那个应该算是debits (electronic), 已确认,不收费。




所以这样算下来一般每月只要不是很多笔支票要存的话,价格还是很不错的。另外还有个很不错的地方,是说如果用这个卡消费的话,是无限次免费的,比如我们说在超市买东西刷Debt卡会用掉我们的transaction的免费次数(比如我的CIBC的账户有每月给我免费的10次transaction), 而用RBC这种账户,就是随便你刷卡多少次都不另外收每次transaction的费用。这个令我比较惊奇。


RBC还有一个也很便宜的账号方案叫 RBC Business Essentials $6 Small Business Account.

每月费用是$6, 但是我觉得比较这两种类型的账号,肯定是免费的那个合算。$6的好处就是如果你经常要去柜台存支票的,这个的费用是$1.1,而免费账号的到柜台存支票的费用是$3.5. 我觉得咱们都可以去ATM存钱啊,人工那么贵,我还更喜欢自己存,随便银行下班都没有关系,自己存随时可以。只是如果有现金比较多的时候都是建议去柜台存。



RBC的个人账户不像CIBC或者TD,有Balance最小值然后可以每月退还月费一说。它的月费是$4,有10次的free transaction. 但是假如你同时有RBC的credit card和Tax free account就会有个优惠,就是你的checking account的月费$4每月会还给你。前提就是你只要在Tax free account里存上$100就可以了。所以比起TD的$1500的最低和CIBC的$1000最低来看,RBC的还是最便宜的,只要$100. 


TD的business account 我看过,最低费用是$17每月,如果账号里余额超过$15,000的话,这个月费还给你。CIBC的我没有了解过。我觉得TD的small business的也不小了,最适合小公司起步的就是RBC的了。

What’s included each month for TD Every Day and Unlimited Business Plans?

Service Plan Options Monthly Plan FeeTransactionsDeposit ItemsCash DepositsMinimum Monthly Balance Rebate2
Every Day A $17 20 50 $5,000 $15,000
Every Day B $37 60 50 $5,000 $30,000
Every Day C $70 120 50 $5,000 $45,000
Unlimited $125 Unlimited Unlimited $20,000 $65,000






Pay Employees and Vendors (Online Banking tool)


If you are an RBC Royal Bank Online Banking for Business client, you can enroll by simply completing the required steps below. This should take about 5 minutes.

1.      Sign in to RBC Royal Bank Online Banking

2.      Click "Profile and Preferences" from the left–hand menu, and then "Pay Employee and Vendors Profile"

3.      Select Continue

4.      Review the Client Obligations

5.      Confirm your Pay Employees and Vendors client profile information (RBC Royal Bank will use your email address to let you know when payments are completed or returned unprocessed and when advice is received regarding a change in banking information )

6.      Request a security token (optional)

7.      Confirmation

To use the service, click on the link (see Step 2 above) any time after you have signed up.

Not an RBC Royal Bank Online Banking for Business client? Call 1-800-769-2520 to enroll.




 这个没有月费的,说是每次收费85分的,比ETransfer便宜。用来给员工发工资很不错的。但是我没有搞懂这个和Pay bill有什么区别呢?下次再问问他们。



Online Tax Filing


Steps for filing taxes online:


1. Log into online banking.


2. Select Pay Bills and Transfer Funds from the Account Balances page.


3. Select Tax Filing Services. Result: A page opens, advising that you will be directed to the Assure Pay Tax (Can-Act) website.


4.Complete enrollment for Online Tax Filing. By entering the following information: Contact Name and Phone Number.


5. Select Continue to proceed. Note: Notification of the $25.00 one-time enrolment fee and the $2 fee for each payment made using the service is listed on this page.


6. Review information about Tax Filing Service. Select Continue to proceed. Note: A toll-free number for the Tax Filing Help Desk is provided on this page. Selecting Continue will direct the you to the Can-Act Payment Services Inc. website. You will need to sign in again to return to your RBC Online Banking.


The link below is additional details for the Tax Filing Service.




Single Sign On (Linking your Business and Personal Accounts Online)


Steps to Follow to set up a single sign on


1. Sign on to personal online banking

- Open the Account Balances page.


2. Select Link Other Accounts from the Related Services menu


3. Select Link/Unlink RBC Business Account


4. Review information and select "Continue" and the Add Business Accounts page will open.

- The Add Business Accounts Page Will open.


5. Enter the following information in the fields provided:

- Username or Business Client Card Number

- Business Online Banking Password.

- Select Confirm

- The Request Complete Page Will Open


Transfers to RBC Clients (Your other RBC profiles)


1. Select Pay Bills and Transfer Funds from the Account Balances page

· Enter the amount to transfer

· Choose the from account

· Select Other Royal Bank Customer in the To field.

· Select Submit.


2. Confirm amount of payment.

· Enter branch and account number of other RBC client

· Enter client surname (or company name) and given name or first initial.


3.Add other RBC client to their Payee List

· check the Add to Payee List box.


4. Complete Transaction

Select Confirm to proceed.







所以明白了,以后全部都得通过ATM机或者online banking才是便宜的,但凡是到银行里去人工操作的就都是贵的。

阅读 21334 次数 最后修改于 星期四, 21 11月 2013 20:42


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+1 # 非常有用的信息豆豆 2013-10-08 10:16

这正是我最近很关注的信息 :D

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