星期四, 10 10月 2013 21:54

多伦多的垃圾分类制度,如何更换和增加垃圾桶 免费的和收费的。

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可回收垃圾-Blue Bin.


There is no item limit for recycling. If you occasionally have overflow with your recyclables, either leave it for next recycling collection or consider asking your neighbours if they have room in their Blue Bin. If you frequently have overflow, please exchange your bin for a larger one. To arrange an exchange, call 311 or request online.

Don't bag recycling
We want recycling placed in the bin loose so that each item can be sorted into a specific category.

Any items received at the sorting facility that are inside black or green "garbage" bags or opaque (non-clear) grocery/shopping bags are considered non-recyclable materials. These bags are not opened and the contents are not sorted.

In addition, when recycling material is bagged, any liquids from the containers cannot drain out. The liquids can stink and can contaminate the recycling sorting operation. When containers are placed in the recycling bin loose, any liquids can drain out before the material reaches the sorting facility.

Put items in loose
You can fit more in your Blue Bin because loose items take up less space.

·         Use a reuseable bag or container to collect your recycling

·         Tip loose recycling items into your Blue Bin

·         Flatten containers such as cereal, detergent boxes, milk juice and soup cartons and corrugated cardboard boxes (do not flatten bottles)

Shredded paper
Put shredded paper in a clear plastic bag. 

Due to the small size of the pieces, shredded paper does not go through the same sorting procedure as the rest of the recycling materials. It needs to be contained in a clear bag so that when it is received at the sorting facility, the entire clear bag of shredded paper can be removed from the mix of items and carried to a different area containing the larger sized paper that has already been sorted by the machines. The clear bag of shredded paper is then opened and the contents emptied with the other paper to be shipped to market. 

Blue Bin是可回收垃圾的桶,要求是松散的放在桶里,而且不能再用垃圾袋装好的,因为液体要容易散发出。除非是碎纸机的垃圾,那个要放在一个透明的塑料袋里装好,再放在blue bin里。

Blue bin的垃圾不能超过箱子的,如果你的可回收垃圾很多,要么更换大的尺寸,要么申请多一个Blue bin。多伦多的Blue bin换大尺寸和申请一个新的都是免费的。

多伦多的可回收垃圾是没有数量限制的。(York Region的在这点是一样的。)



Recycling Bin - additional

Order an additional City-issued Recycling Bin. Your name must appear on the City utility bill.

Recycling Bin - exchange size

Exchange your City-issued Recycling Bin for one of a different size. Your name must appear on the City utility bill.

打电话给311也是一样可以更换或者要一个新的Blue bin,但是如果网上在线申请会更容易些。

最大的Extra-Large Blue Bin = 6 blue boxes 箱子外面画着盒子的。如果你的是小箱子可以换大箱子,如果已经是大箱子还不够用,可以申请一个新的Blue bin.

关于Blue bin的常见问题与回答。http://www.toronto.ca/garbage/bin_faqs/recyclebin.htm


食物垃圾-Green Bin.

这个Green bin能放什么东西呢?什么能放,什么不能放,看这个页面。http://www.toronto.ca/garbage/greenbin.htm


1. Green Bin和Blue bin一样,数量是没有限制的。(话是这么说,但是我那个多伦多朋友的确告诉我说,她放多点出去,人家就没有收走,我估计这个和工人也有关系,反正我家这片的环卫工人绝对是最最好的了,我扔出去的任何垃圾,从来都是全部收走的。)

2. 是否在绿的桶里可以放一个大垃圾袋?


If I can use plastic bags to line either bin, why can't I place such plastic items as yogurt containers or plastic wrap in the bins?

While it's okay to line your containers with plastic bags, it is not okay to include your plastic baggies, bread bags, and other plastic packaging. Too much plastic causes serious quality problems at the processing facility. The mechanisms at our organics processing facility are designed to remove the plastic bags you use to line your containers, but not plastic packaging. Bottom line, plastic is not good for the final product. We appreciate your help in producing clean, rich compost. Certain plastic tubs and lids are recyclable in the Blue Bin.

Line your indoor container or outdoor Green Bin with a plastic bag. Line just one or the other - not both. No special bag is required for either collection container. If you wish, you can reuse plastic grocery bags or use a kraft paper bag to line your indoor container. Any plastic bag (e.g. garbage bag) can be used to line your outdoor Green Bin.

这段说的很清楚了,就是说厨房里用的那个小垃圾桶( kitchen container),如果你用了料袋装食物垃圾的话,那么在外面的那个green bin就不要再用大垃圾袋再装一遍了,就只允许你用一层的塑料袋。而且这个塑料袋可以是你超市买菜的塑料袋,没有必要是特殊的可再生塑料袋。而且特别说明了绿桶的垃圾袋可以用黑色垃圾袋。




If you have just moved and don't have either a Green Bin or kitchen container, please supply proof of residency dated within last 90 days when picking up your required bins/containers.

Green Bin - new occupant

Order a City-issued Green Bin if your property currently has no Green Bin and receives collection services.



Green Bin - damaged

Report damage to your City-issued Green Bin and have it replaced by the City.



如果搬家了,这个绿桶和厨房小桶都可以带走的。Moving? Your Green Bin can move with you.


关于Green Bin的常见问题。http://www.toronto.ca/greenbin/faq.htm


”真正垃圾“-Garbage Bin




If you have more garbage than will fit in your bin, you can leave extra garbage bags beside the Garbage Bin for collection. To expect collection of extra garbage bags, you must attach a City-issued bag tag to each garbage bag. Garbage bag tags can be purchased in packages of five for $15.50 ($3.10 each) at your local Canadian Tire store.


If you frequently have overflow of garbage, perhaps you need a larger size Garbage Bin. To arrange an exchange, call 311 or request online - your annual fee will be adjusted accordingly.



如果用的是小号的垃圾桶的话,则每年年费是$224,然后rebate $224, 等于免费了。但是如果用的不是小号垃圾桶,则根据这个表格收费。


  Rates Rebate
Small Medium Large X Large
Garbage Bin Single Family $224 $271.93 $369.31 $428.36 $224
$224 $271.93 $369.31 $428.36
RUAC Weekly $271.93 $369.31 $523.68 $841.42
Bag Only Single Family *$143.40      
RUAC Bi-weekly *$143.40      
RUAC Weekly **$110.73      



关于Bin (就是”真正垃圾“桶的FAQ): http://www.toronto.ca/garbage/bin_faqs/

前面说过,每家只能是一个垃圾桶,如果有更多垃圾怎么办?可以去Canadian Tire买Tag, Garbage bag tags can be purchased in packages of five for $15.50 ($3.10 each) at your local Canadian Tire store.



Additional Charges
Some other charges may apply for the following solid waste services:

  • Purchasing of additional Blue Bins & Garbage Bins (申请额外多一个的蓝桶说过是免费的,不知道为什么还列在这里,难道说的是如果额外申请了好几个蓝桶么?额外的垃圾桶是肯定要收费的)
  • Blue Bin & Garbage Bin exchanges (换坏的蓝桶和从小换到大的是免费的,换垃圾桶不知道了)
  • Replacement of stolen Blue Bins & Garbage Bins (丢失了garbage的垃圾桶估计是要收费的,但是人家给你送货上门啊,也不错)

For more information on Solid Waste visit:


简单的垃圾分类示意彩图:Put Waste in its Place (PDF)








而且他们号称是提供多种语言服务的,其中包括了普通话的。所以你也可以试试要求会讲Mandarin 的customer service 来给你服务。

不管怎么说,多伦多也算是大城市了。服务还是挺完善的。改天我再研究一下York region的垃圾制度。


阅读 24462 次数 最后修改于 星期五, 11 10月 2013 00:43


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