星期五, 28 3月 2014 23:21


(3 得票数)



以前住在多伦多的时候,周六有去North York Centre那个图书馆去领票,说是9点开始,基本上7:30就得去排队,当时领过AGO的票子,带女儿去看过。后来搬家了,也就忘记这个事情了。前几天和朋友见面聊起这个事情,发现还好多新来的不知道这个福利,于是还是介绍一下吧。

多伦多的图书馆可以领取免费的景点门票,为什么是免费的?因为是Sun life赞助的。当时我是在ELT的时候老师说的,所以我们就去图书馆领票了。下面是详细的介绍。

Borrowing Rules & Conditions

  • Misuse, transfer or sale of these passes is not permitted and will result in the Library taking action including the suspension of borrowing privileges.
  • To borrow your one-time-use Sun Life Financial Museum + Arts family pass, you must present a valid adult Toronto Public Library card 领票必须有多伦多的图书卡
  • You may only get one pass per week per person with a valid adult library card. Each pass admits one family 一张卡只能领取一张门票
  • You may get one of each venue's pass once every three months (subject to availability) 同一个景点的门票每三个月只能获得一次。
  • Number of adults and children and periods for use vary by organization
  • Most venues provide access for up to two adults and up to four children during regular operating hours. Review the back of each pass for specific details and restrictions. 通常一张门票可以2个成人和4个孩子去。可以是两个家庭的一起去。
  • Each pass is good for one visit to one venue only
  • When visiting a venue, you will need to show:
    • MAP pass and date due receipt
    • Your library card(使用门票的时候还必须出示图书卡)
    • ID (ID requirements may vary; please contact the venue directly) 还会要求出示ID。
  • Sun Life Financial Museum + Art Passes cannot be renewed or reserved
  • Sun Life Financial Museum + Art Passes are available at all locations in limited quantities. Please call your local branch for more details about how to get a pass
  • Passes do not have to be returned to the Library but instead are surrendered at the venue
  • Passes are free. There are no overdue fines or fees on the Sun Life Financial Museum + Arts Pass.

Pickup Timing and Location Information

Each week, most branches issue passes on a first come, first served basis on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m., with the following exceptions:


Branch NameDistribution Date/Time:Distribution Method:
Agincourt Saturdays between 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Draw*(就是抽签)
Albion Saturdays between 9 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. Draw*
Barbara Frum Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. First come, first served
Bridlewood Saturdays between 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Draw*
Cedarbrae Saturdays between 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Draw*
City Hall Mondays at 10 a.m. First come, first served
Forest Hill Thursdays at 6 p.m. First come, first served
Humber Summit Saturdays between 9 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. Draw*
Steeles Saturdays between 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Draw*
Swansea Memorial Saturdays at 10 a.m. First come, first served

* A valid adult library card must be presented to staff between the times listed. The draw will begin shortly after the end of the draw entry time. Patrons must be present in the designated area of the branch during the draw process in order to participate.

For more details about how to get a pass, please call your local branch.

Venue Passes by Library Branch

Available at All Library Branches 下面的景点门票在所有图书馆都可以领取

Available at Limited Library Branches (下面这6个景点都是热门景点,所以不是每个图书馆都可以领取的,只有在指定的32个图书馆才能领取,我就奇怪,这鞋的博物馆怎么也热门了?以前这个鞋子博物馆每次门票都剩下没人要的啊)

32 priority Library branches

Passes for the Bata Shoe MuseumCasa Loma, the Gardiner Museum, the Ontario Science Centre, the ROM - Royal Ontario Museum, and the Toronto Zoo are available through the following 32 Toronto Public Library branches:


What is the Sun Life Financial Museum + Arts Pass program?

The Sun Life Financial Museum + Arts Pass program allows Toronto families to borrow a limited number of free passes to local museums, art galleries and similar venues in the same way they would borrow library materials.

The program's primary goal is to broaden Torontonians' access to the City's cultural life by providing the opportunity to visit Toronto's top cultural institutions.

MAP also has secondary goals including our intentions:

  • To showcase the cultural renaissance in Toronto and broaden the opportunity for all Toronto residents to participate;
  • To showcase Toronto Public Library collections and programs that support visits to and enjoyment of local museums and art galleries;
  • To strengthen partnerships between Toronto Public Library and its cultural institution partners

What branches are participating in MAP?

In its pilot year (2007), the MAP program was offered at the following 24 branches (of the Library's 99) located in neighbourhoods identified by the City of Toronto as high priority with regard to their relative prosperity and access to resources:

  • Agincourt
  • Albion
  • Barbara Frum
  • Bendale
  • Bridlewood
  • Cedarbrae
  • Centennial
  • Dawes Road
  • Flemingdon Park
  • Humber Summit
  • Jane Sheppard
  • Kennedy Eglinton
  • Malvern
  • Maria A. Shchuka
  • McGregor Park
  • Morningside
  • Mount Dennis
  • Richview
  • S. Walter Stewart
  • Steeles
  • Victoria Village
  • Weston
  • Woodview Park
  • York Woods

In January of 2009, we expanded the program to the following eight additional branches:

  • Albert Campbell
  • Eatonville
  • Lillian H. Smith
  • Parliament Street
  • Parkdale
  • Sanderson
  • St. James Town
  • Thorncliffe

In March of 2009, several partner venues began offering passes at all library branches (see "What institutions are currently involved?" below for details).

Why is the Library participating in this?

The Library has as one of its strategic goals the support of culture and arts in the city. Toronto Public Library's Museum + Arts Pass program broadens Torontonians' access to the city's cultural life by providing families with the opportunity to visit Toronto's top cultural institutions for free.

The MAP brochure, distributed with Museum + Arts Passes, also invites participants to extend their visit by taking out books and other materials related to the various venues. The Library can also extend a MAP visit through programs offered at branches across the city.

What institutions are currently involved?

Currently, the following venues offer passes at all 98 library branches:

  • Art Gallery of Ontario
  • Black Creek Pioneer Village
  • Museum of Inuit Art
  • Textile Museum of Canada
  • City of Toronto Historic Museums (pass good for any one of eight locations, including:)
    • Colborne Lodge in High Park
    • Fort York National Historic Site
    • Gibson House Museum
    • Mackenzie House
    • Montgomery's Inn
    • Scarborough Historical Museum
    • Spadina Museum: Historic House & Gardens
    • Todmorden Mills Heritage Site

The following museums offer passes at 32 branches:

  • Bata Shoe Museum
  • Casa Loma
  • Gardiner Museum
  • Ontario Science Centre
  • Royal Ontario Museum
  • Toronto Zoo

How does the MAP program work?

Adults can use their Toronto Public Library card to check out a MAP pass. One pass is permitted per person, per week — and each venue has its own restrictions on the number of people (adults and children) that will be admitted with one pass. Generally, though, each pass admits 2 adults and up to 5 children.

MAP passes cannot be renewed or reserved. Patrons don't have to return the passes but the passes do expire (currently, the expiry period is three months after checkout). Once the patron has used one pass, he or she is welcome to re-visit any venue by signing out another pass, or to borrow a pass for another participating venue — Library staff encourage patrons to try them all.

Who is paying for the program?

The passes have been donated by each of the venues, which is why they are limited at this time. The promotional material and administration costs are currently being funded by the library and by Sun Life Financial.

I've misplaced my date due receipt, what can I do?

Visit your local branch and staff can reprint a MAP date due receipt for you.



1. 我想领科技馆的票,你知道哪去申请吗

答复:科技馆就是Ontario Science Centre, 属于6个热门景点之一,需要到那32个图书馆之一去领取。



2. 不知道有没有皇家博物馆的门票可以领呢~~~我是要先办图书证对吗?是随便哪个图书馆都可以吗?


皇家博物馆是ROM - Royal Ontario Museum




3. 语嫣,多伦多不包括万锦吗?看到领票那个你说只有多伦多能领?


多伦多不包括Markham, Richmond hill等。我们所说的多伦多是指的多伦多地区,而不是大多伦多地区。

多伦多是city, 在1998年前的多伦多的范围很小,就是现在称的old Toronto的区域范围那个时候叫Toronto, 那个时候East York, Etobicoke, North York, Scarborough, York等都是单独的city。

1998年,士嘉堡,北约克、怡陶碧谷、约克、东约克和旧多伦多市合并成新的多伦多市。 都叫Toronto. ON.

所以哪怕是现在你也经常会看到类似这样的地址里写的 North York, ON, 或者Scarborough ON  等。包括GPS里,只是现在如果输入GPS的话,你可以输Toronto,而不用输North york, 或者Scarborough. 当然即便是现在,你在GPS里的city 输入North York也是可以的。

Toronto Districts: East York, Etobicoke, North York, Old Toronto, Scarborough, York

大多地区包括多伦多, Durham, Halton, Peel, and York

 The Greater Toronto Area is defined as the central city of Toronto, and the four regional municipalities that surround it: Durham, Halton, Peel, and York

所以经常有同学会把这两个York搞起来。York Region是我们说的约克郡,GTA里就包含了York Region的,约克郡包括

City of Vaughan

Town of Aurora

Town of East Gwillimbury

Town of Georgina

City of Markham

Town of Newmarket

Town of Richmond Hill

Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville

Township of King

而Toronto里面包含的那个York只是一个District. 希望大家现在搞清楚了这两个York的区别。

更多关于安省的各个区域,城市和地区的介绍见这个链接。Ontario Municipal Pages-了解安大略省





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