星期日, 26 5月 2013 22:14

介绍一下CLB(Canadian Language Benchmarks)考试

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介绍一下CLB(Canadian Language Benchmarks)英语水平考试

What are Canadian Language Benchmarks?  

The Canadian Language Benchmarks or CLB is used in Canada to teach and test language learning for adults. It is important for you to understand the CLB if you plan to go to English class, train, look for work or study at a college or university. 

The benchmarks are organized in 3 stages and 12 levels. The benchmarks describe tasks that people can do in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The following chart shows how the benchmarks are arranged.     




Many adult ESL programs in Canada use the Canadian Language Benchmarks. Students and teachers use CLB to understand what English is needed for daily life in Canada. The CLB does not list grammar or vocabulary. It lists tasks for everyday, real English use. A task is something you can do in English.


For general information about the CLB click on the document For Learners- CLB for Living and Working . 


For higher levels (CLB 5 - 10), click on the document For Learners - CLB for Study and Work

If you are interested in seeing all of the benchmark levels open the document Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000 - English as a Second Language for Adults . 


Self Assessment

Are you interested in assessing yourself?

If yes, click on Self Assessment .  Please remember that this is a self assessment only.


Do you want to see and hear samples of other learners?

Click on Examples of Speaking and Writing


Do you want to find out about other assessments?

Click here: Other Assessments


Do you want to find out about using assessment centres?

Click here: Using Assessment Centres


Do you want to find language training?

Click here: Finding Language Training




  1. What Benchmark do you demonstrate when you meet with the teacher of your children?  

    (Speaking/Listening 4)

  2. What Benchmark do you need to demonstrate if you want to take Early Childhood Education at a college? 

    (Listening 8, Speaking 8/9, Reading 8/9, Writing 8)

  3. What Benchmark do you need to successfully work as a Pharmacist? Click here for the answer.  

    (Listening 8/9, Speaking 8/9, Reading 9/10, Writing 7/8)





  www.soundsofenglish.org/index.html This site will give you opportunities to practice pronunciation.

 www.eslcafe.com/   is a site called Dave’s ESL cafe. There is lots for learners including idioms, quizzes,  slang and forums where you can write opinions and   comments to share with other people learning English.

 www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/index.asp is a Canadian Government site that has information for newcomers or individuals planning on coming to Canada.

www.eslincanada.com/linc_programs.html tells you how to find LINC programs and assessment centres across the country.

www.eslincanada.com This is a commercial site but it has free grammar lessons.

www.settlement.org While this is an Ontario site, a lot of the information is useful in other parts of the  country.

www.craigmarlatt.com/canada/  This site has lots of information about Canada.

www.cbc.ca/news/ This site allows you to check the news in the country. 

www.cbc.ca/news/work/ is a great site about working in Canada 

www.m-w.com/dictionary.htm This on-line dictionary is an excellent resource not just for the meaning of a word but how it sounds. If you see this U  it means that there is a sound file. If you click on the icon U you will hear the word said correctly. 

http://international.ouc.bc.ca/pronunciation/ This is a great site Canadian pronunciation.


阅读 19355 次数 最后修改于 星期一, 03 6月 2013 20:21


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