星期日, 01 5月 2016 13:47

DEEP Summer Academy 多大工程学院的夏令营

(1 投票)


DEEP Summer Academy 多大工程学院的夏令营




申请除了填表之外,主要就是要写一篇文章,Statement of Interest


Please upload your Statement of Interest through the DEEP online application system. In order to upload your

statement, you must log in to your account.

Your statement should be 500 words or less (approximately two double-spaced pages) and should answer the

following questions:

- Why do you want to participate in DEEP?

- What makes you a good candidate and how do you plan to contribute to the DEEP community?

- If you have attended DEEP in the past, tell us about your experience, what you learned, and why you want to

come back.

- If you are applying for DEEP Leadership Camp, please describe your leadership philosophy.

In order to be considered for the program, you must upload your statement by Mar 1, 2016

If you have questions, feel free to contact a DEEP representative at (416) 946-0816 or 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 .


申请这个夏令营除了这个文章之外,还主要是看学生的分数,要提交report card之类的。女儿的分数是非常漂亮的,所以等了几周后很顺利就收到录取的邮件了。好处是不要交referral letter. 女儿不是很social那种,公校里要拿到老师好的referral letter可不是件容易的事。

然后就是网上申请课程,我建议女儿申请住宿,让她体验一下住校的生活,还有个主要原因是Richmond Hill离开多大太远了啊。





Summer Jr. DEEP Programs Hold the Date

Hello from the Engineering Outreach Office!

We are pleased to announce that registration for the summer 2016 sessions of Jr. DEEP, Girls’ Jr. DEEP and ENGage will open on Tuesday April 12th, 2016 at 7:00AM

Course information and registration links can be found on our website:

 Please note that the registration link will not appear or be active until Tuesday April 12th, 2016.

Jr. DEEP (for students in grades 3 to 8)

Girls’ Jr. DEEP (for female students in grades 3 to 8)

ENGage (for black students in grades 3 to 8)

We provide before-care and after-care Monday to Friday from 8am – 9am and 4pm – 5pm respectively.

***NOTE: All courses are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.***

Please be sure to place your child in the appropriate level. Forexample, if your child is attending grade 6 this school year, they need to be registered in courses marked Grades 5/6. They cannot sign up for the courses marked Grade 7/8.

Course Dates

Girls Jr. DEEP & ENGage

July 4th – July 8th


July 11th – July 15th

July 18th – July 22nd

July 25th – July 29th

August 8th – August 12th

August 15th – August 19th


If the fees for this program create a financial barrier, please consider applying for an Engineering Outreach Bursary. You are eligible to apply if you are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person with demonstrated financial need. If you would like to apply for a bursary, please contact our office prior to registrationfor your next steps.

Thank you for your continued support of U of T’s Engineering Outreach programs. We look forward to seeing you on campus this summer!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at:

Engineering Outreach Office

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering

University of Toronto

35 St. George Street, Room 173, Toronto, ON M5S 1A4


T: 416-946-0816   | outreach.engineering.utoronto.ca

阅读 10723 次数 最后修改于 星期日, 01 5月 2016 14:03


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