星期五, 10 2月 2017 23:42

多大工程学院的春令营和夏令营 Engineering Outreach March Break and DEEP Applications

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Engineering Outreach March Break and DEEP Applications 多大工程学院的春令营和夏令营




Hello from the Engineering Outreach Office!


We are excited to announce some information for our DEEP Summer Academy, DEEP Spring Seminar Series, and Jr. DEEP programs. In this email you will find information on our Summer programs.


DEEP Applications are now open and the deadline to apply is 11:59PM on Friday, March 1st


Jr. DEEP Summer Program Registration will open at 7:00AM on Wednesday, February 20th. The link to register can be found on all relevant pages on our website.



DEEP Applications


We’re excited to announce that DEEP Summer Academy and DEEP Spring Seminar Series 2019 Applications are now open! Please use the link below to access the application page. This link will also appear on all relevant pages on our website.


Link to apply:



Information on how to apply as well as required documents can be found on our website:



The deadline to apply and submit the required documents will 11:59 PM EST Friday, March 1st. We will begin assessing the applications on March 4th, 2019 and applicants will begin to hear back about their application status by March 15th. We will not be accepting applications after the deadline of 11:59 PM EST March 1st.  All applications will be assessed at the same time so there is no need to rush this process.


DEEP Leadership Camp will be announced at a later time and will not be part of the DEEP Application.



DEEP Summer Academy 2019 Applications


The DEEP Summer Academy is designed for highly motivated high school students with an aptitude for science and math. DEEP provides students from around the world with the opportunity for advanced study in a variety of engineering, technology, business and science discipline DEEP will run for four one-week sessions starting July 8th, 2019. The program is open to students currently in grade 9-12 (2018-2019 school year).


If you are interested in applying to DEEP please visit our website for further instructions on how to apply and necessary documents to include.


Grades: 9 –12


Cost: $50 non-refundable application fee


Application Deadline: 11:59PM Eastern Time, Friday, March 1st.


DEEP 2019 Dates:

Week 1: July 8 – 12, 2019

Week 2: July 15 – 19, 2019

Week 3: July 22 – 26, 2019

Week 4: July 29 – August 2, 2019


Link to apply:



More details on the DEEP Summer Academy courses and fees can be found on our website:




DEEP Spring Seminar Series 2019 Applications


Organized by the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, DEEP Spring Seminar Series is a two-week program that offers a diverse range of pre-university engineering and science courses.


The programs runs from: June 17th to June 28th.


The optional residence program includes tuition, thirteen nights’ accommodation, daily breakfast and dinner, supervision and evening activities. Students in the DEEP Spring Seminar Series will take part in an enhanced excursion program. Over the two week program, we are pleased to offer four weeknight and two weekend excursions. Residence runs from June 16th to June 29th at U of T’s St George campus, located in downtown Toronto.


Grades: 9 –12

Cost: $50 non-refundable application fee

Application Deadline: 11:59PM Eastern Time, Friday, March 1st.


Link to apply:



More details on the DEEP Spring Seminar Series courses and fees can be found on our website:




Jr. DEEP Programs


We are pleased to announce that registration for the Summer 2019 Engineering Outreach Jr. DEEP Programs will open on Wednesday, February 20 at 7:00 AM Eastern Time.


Program information, course descriptions, and registration links can be found on our website home page and under each of the program specific page.


Please note that the registration links on the website will not be active until Wednesday, February 20 at 7:00 AM Eastern Time.


In this email you’ll find information on the following programs:


Girls’ Jr. DEEP (for female students in grades 3 to 8)

ENGage (for students in grades 3 to 8)

Jr. DEEP (for students in grades 3 to 8)

Jr. DEEP Coding (for students in grades 5 to 8)


Jr. DEEP March Break will not be taking place in 2019. We are currently redeveloping our course offerings and hope to bring them back in 2020!


For more information on our summer programs please visit our website:



All courses are divided according to the grade the participant is currently in during the 2018/2019 school year. For example, if a student is currently in grade 6, they will be eligible for the Jr. DEEP Grade 5/6 Programs.



Girls’ Jr. DEEP


Girls with an interest in science and engineering will thrive in Girls’ Jr. DEEP! This one-week course will inspire students to tackle fun and fascinating activities and challenges. Participants will conduct experiments, work on engineering design projects and collaborate in an all-girls environment, taught by some of the most amazing female engineering students at UofT!



July 8th – July 12th



9:00AM – 4:00PM*

*We offer before care (8:00am – 9:00am) and after care (4:00pm – 5:00pm) free of charge. Participants may be dropped off any time between 8:00AM – 9:00AM and can be picked up at any time between 4:00PM – 5:00PM.



Grade 3/4, Grade 5/6, Grade 7/8


Program Website:






ENGage participants will take part in a range of hands-on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) activities. Students also develop their athletic and leadership skills. A collaboration between U of T’s Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers and the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, ENGage highlights black role models, encourages STEM literacy and promotes academic and social growth.



July 8th – July 12th



9:00AM – 4:00PM*

*We offer before care (8:00am – 9:00am) and after care (4:00pm – 5:00pm) free of charge. Participants may be dropped off any time between 8:00AM – 9:00AM and can be picked up at any time between 4:00PM – 5:00PM.



Grade 3/4, Grade 5/6, Grade 7/8


Program Website:






Modelled after our Da Vinci Engineering Enrichment Program (DEEP) Summer Academy for high school students, Jr. DEEP offers courses on cutting-edge topics in science, technology and engineering, with an emphasis on hands-on learning.



Week 1: July 15th – July 19th

Week 2: July 22nd – July 26th

Week 3: July 29th – August 2nd

Week 4: August 12th – August 16th



9:00AM – 4:00PM*

*We offer before care (8:00am – 9:00am) and after care (4:00pm – 5:00pm) free of charge. Participants may be dropped off any time between 8:00AM – 9:00AM and can be picked up at any time between 4:00PM – 5:00PM.



Grade 3/4, Grade 5/6, Grade 7/8


Program Website:




Each of the courses listed below are offered during all 4 weeks of Jr. DEEP. Participants can do up to 3 weeks of this program.



Grade 3/4


Spy Academy: Undercover Operations

Step into the shoes of an investigator and uncover the world of secret gadgets, evidence gathering, surveillance and forensics! As new agents of Jr. DEEP Spy Academy, you will have the opportunity to learn how clever modern-day science and engineering have been used to help solve crime scenes, decode messages, and by-pass some of the highest security measures. From building security systems to spy equipment, you will unlock the secrets of espionage through hands-on investigations and challenges. This is your mission, engineer, should you choose to accept it!


Disciplines: Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering


Amazing Athletics: Exercise and Sports Engineering

Have you ever wondered how athletes maximize their performance? As sports engineers, you will investigate how athletes interact with their equipment and the environment and discover ways to help our favourite players stay at the top of their games! From prostheses to running blades, you will explore the world of Paralympic sports and discover how engineering has helped human beings push beyond their limits and achieve incredible feats!


Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science


Mad Machines: From Ancient Times to Modern Civilization

How did the Egyptians build the Great Pyramids all those years ago? In this course, students will imagine what building was like in ancient times and learn how engineers have used some of the same physical principles to design and build the skyscrapers we see today!  Understanding such simple machines such as pulleys, wedges and axles, students will learn how each one plays important roles within more complicated devices.  Students will also be introduced to some of the most important complex machines across time, such as catapults, bicycles and the famous Rube Goldberg.  Let the machine madness begin!


Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Materials Science


Grade 5/6


Engineering the Entertainment World: The Magic Behind the Scenes

Ever wondered how in movies it can look like New York is being destroyed by monsters, when in reality it’s like nothing has happened? Or how 3D movies are created to provide us with a more realistic experience?  Students in Engineering the Entertainment World will learn how all of this is done! From the props used on film sets to the virtual effects we see on screen, they will get first-hand experience on what it’s like to work behind the scenes to create this magic.


Disciplines: Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering


Medical Miracles: Bridging Engineering and Medicine

When one thinks of the medical field they might imagine doctors and nurses and the medicine that they prescribe but in reality, there’s so much more!  From researchers running tests on DNA to technicians creating machines for medical imaging., there’s a lot of professionals working together to improve our health and well-being  In Medical Miracles, students will work to bridge the fields of engineering and medicine. They will learn about many exciting breakthroughs and concepts including prosthetics, pharmaceutical engineering, biomedical engineering, and medical imaging through short lessons and interactive, hands-on activities.


Disciplines: Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering


Extreme Innovators

No matter where you look we are surrounded by inventions, ranging from the machines that aid us in tasks, to the products used for leisure and entertainment.   Yet despite their varied purposes, these inventions all have at least one thing in common—they are the manifestation of an idea.  Innovation is everywhere surrounding us and, in this course, students will learn about successful inventions and have the opportunity to not only build their own, but apply their knowledge and make their own unique improvements to continuing driving innovation forward.


Disciplines:  Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Science


Grade 7/8


Engineering Through the Cosmos

In this course, students will embark on an adventure where they will learn how space exploration and engineering are intertwined. They will discover and learn about current innovative research and technologies that will one day allow us to traverse the stars. Students will also experiment and learn about relevant concepts including gravity, the solar system and its marvels, and the engineering of space exploration, colonization and terraforming.


Disciplines: Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


Engineering and Global Challenges

In the 21st century, the world’s populations face many global challenges such as poverty, pollution and food and water shortages that are seemingly without a current solution.  This class will have students form teams to brainstorm and conduct research on these issues to engineer solutions to these real-world problems.  They will work together to design projects and hands-on initiatives that can act as possible solutions that may one day better our world.


Disciplines: Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering


Engineering for the Apocalypse

Imagine that the world as you know it is gone. This class will have students take upon the role of survivors who must work together to create and build solutions that will help humanity overcome the various challenges typical of a post-apocalyptic wasteland. One thing is certain: engineering is the key to survival. Here, students will learn and utilize the engineering design process to tackle activities ranging from creating shelters to designing futuristic, unconventional devices out of minimal materials.


Disciplines:  Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering



Jr. DEEP Coding


Jr. DEEP Coding is a crash course that will provide students with the opportunity to master the basics of coding. They will be introduced to various coding languages and explore how to create their own programs, with an emphasis on coding logic, programming functionality, and theory. Participants may only attend one week of the coding program as the content repeats week after week.



Week 1: July 15th – July 19th

Week 2: July 22nd – July 26th

Week 3: July 29th – August 2nd

Week 4: August 12th – August 16th



9:00AM – 4:00PM*

*We offer before care (8:00am – 9:00am) and after care (4:00pm – 5:00pm) free of charge. Participants may be dropped off any time between 8:00AM – 9:00AM and can be picked up at any time between 4:00PM – 5:00PM.


Program Website:




Registration Reminders


Wait List

If you see that a course is waitlisted, that means there are no available spaces. If a space opens up in the course, those on the waitlist will be notified immediately in the order that they registered and offered the spot. Please note that space only opens up in the program if another participant drops out. We cannot guarantee that a space will open up in any of the courses.


Creating an Active Account

If this is your first time registering for one of our programs, you will be prompted to create an Active account. The account making process happens after registration. If you are successful in getting a spot in the course, you spot will be held for you as you create your account. There is no need to rush this process.

There is no way to create an account before the registration date.



If the fees for this program create a financial barrier, please consider applying for an Engineering Outreach Bursary. You are eligible to apply if you are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person with demonstrated financial need. If you would like to apply for a bursary, please contact our office prior to registration for your next steps.

When you are applying for a bursary please use the coupon code BURSARY at the check-out screen to bypass payment.


How to apply:

1.     Register for the program you would like to attend and use the coupon code BURSARY at the checkout screen.

2.     Download and complete the bursary application form (Form can also be found on our website)

3.     Submit the completed form along with your most recent Notice of Assessment to the email  该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。

4.     Once the forms have been submitted to us, we will contact you with the results of bursary in the following weeks prior to the start of the program. Please note that if you are on a waitlist or have not registered for a course, your bursary application will not be assessed.

Cancellation Policy

Any cancellations made between the time of registration and 2 weeks before the start of the program are eligible for a refund minus $50 administrative fee.


Any cancellations made within 2 weeks of the start of the program are not eligible for a refund.


Cancellation Date Guideline

Week of July 2nd cancel before Tuesday, June 18th

Week of July 8th cancel before Monday, June 24th

Week of July 15th cancel before Monday, July 2nd

Week of July 22nd cancel before Monday, July 8th

Week of July 29th cancel before Monday, July 15th

Week of August 12th cancel before Monday, July 30th


Mailing List Opt-Out
If you would no longer like to receive email notifications please use the link below to opt-out of our mailing list:



Thank you for your continued support of U of T’s Engineering Outreach programs. We look forward to seeing you on campus this summer!


If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at:


Engineering Outreach Office

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering

University of Toronto

35 St. George Street, Room 173, Toronto, ON M5S 1A4

T: 416-946-0816   | outreach.engineering.utoronto.ca



Engineering Outreach March Break and DEEP 2017 Applications 多大工程学院的春令营和夏令营

Hello from U of T Engineering.


We’re excited to announce that our March Break program registration and DEEP Summer Academy Applications will open at 7:00AM on Thursday, February 16th! The link to register can also be found on our website. Please note that the link will not be active until the designated registration date and time. 


The link to register will be on the homepage of our website as well as on the pages of each program. Please note that the link will not be active until 7:00AM on Thursday, February 16th


Jr. DEEP at March Break
Jr. DEEP, one of our most popular and longest-running summer programs, is back for March Break! Jr. DEEP at March Break is a week-long program that explores a world of science and engineering through enriching activities for curious young minds. This year’s program will introduce campers to some of our most exciting hands-on activities while diving into brand new interactive workshops. Our instructors are undergraduate students in science and engineering disciplines.


Grades: 3/4, 5/6, 7/8

Dates: March 13-17, 2017 | 9 am - 4 pm

Cost: $290



Jr. DEEP at March Break Math Camp

Jr. DEEP Math Camp for March Break is a week long adventure in math that offers fun and interactive hands-on activities that are designed to focus on the applications of mathematics in science and engineering.  Whether you’re looking to learn more math, or wanting more of a challenge, the Jr. DEEP Math Camp has something for everyone!


Grades: 5/6

Dates: March 13-17, 2017 | 9 am - 4 pm

Cost: $290


For information on the Jr. DEEP at March Break and Math Camp click here!


DEEP Leadership at March Break

DEEP Leadership at March Break offers students in grades 7 to 11 the opportunity to explore personal leadership development through an integrated curriculum that includes hands-on practical applications drawn from STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields.


If you are interested in applying you will be asked to include a statement of interest describing your future goals and goals for attending this program in the registration form. Students registering for the grades 7 to 9 program should submit a statement of interest between 150 to 250 words. Students in grades 10 and 11 should submit a statement of interest between 250 to 500 words.


Tip: Have your statement ready and good to go the night before!

*In order to register for the program you MUST submit the statement of interest as part of your registration form.


Grades: Grade 7-9, 10/11

Dates: March 13-17, 2017 | 9 am - 4 pm

Cost: $290



Engineering High School March Break Program

The Engineering High School March Break Program offers High School Students in grades 9 to 11 the opportunity to learn from Engineering Graduate and Undergraduate instructors. Based on their own personal research and interests, the courses are developed to incorporate University style lectures with hands on learning. The March Break program is designed to expose students to the various different streams of engineering


Grades: 9 - 11

Dates: March 13-17, 2017 | 9 am - 4 pm

Cost: $290


For more information on the DEEP Leadership and Engineering High School at March Break Programs click here!



DEEP Summer Academy 2017 Applications

The DEEP Summer Academy is designed for highly motivated high school students with an aptitude for science and math. DEEP provides students from around the world with the opportunity for advanced study in a variety of engineering, technology, business and science discipline DEEP will run for four one-week sessions starting July 3rd, 2017. The program is open to students currently in grade 9-12 (2016-2017 school year). 


If you are interested in applying to DEEP please visit our website for further instructions on how to apply and necessary documents to include.

The link to apply will appear on our website on the date of opening.


Grades: 9 –12

Cost: $50 non-refundable application fee 

Application Opening: February 16th

Application Deadline: March 16th


For more information on the DEEP Summer Academy and how to apply click here!



Registration Reminders for March Break


Waitlist Information

If the program you selected is full you can still register for the waitlist. If a space becomes available in the course, those on the waitlist will be contacted immediately in order of their registration. 


Applying for Bursary

If the fees for this program create a financial barrier, please consider applying for an Engineering Outreach bursary.  You are eligible to apply for a bursary if you are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person with demonstrated financial need. Please send bursary application forms as well as a notice of assessment to  该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。


Active Account

If this is your first time registering for one of our programs or you do not have an Active account, the Active website will prompt you to create one. Your spot in the course will be held so there is no need to rush through the Account Creation process!


Cancellation and Refund Policies

Registrations that are withdrawn or cancelled within two weeks of the program start date are eligible for a refund, less an administrative fee of $50.00.  Please submit your request to withdraw or cancel by email to  该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。



If you have any question, the Outreach Office is always ready to help. Contact our office at  该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。  or (416) 946-0816.


We look forward to seeing you!


Your Engineering Outreach Team


Engineering Outreach Office

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering

University of Toronto

35 St. George Street, Room 173, Toronto, ON M5S 1A4


T: 416-946-0816   | outreach.engineering.utoronto.ca

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