星期五, 10 2月 2017 23:48

Toronto Botanical Garden TBG Kids春令营

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Toronto Botanical Garden  TBG Kids春令营

儿子最近喜欢昆虫,生物方面的内容,于是一个朋友推荐的公园的春令营,然后我把网页给儿子看了,从他三年级后,我发现他的英语阅读比我都强了,口语当然不用说了,早就甩我远远的。所以很多邮件或者网页就都是让他自己看了。他看了March Break 的介绍后,说喜欢的,于是我就帮他报名了。

March Break Nature Camps 2017 (ages 6 to 10)

Monday March 13 to Friday March 17, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Join TBGKids for interactive, educational and engaging activities in TBG’s cozy nature-themed classroom, expansive garden and nearby ravine. March Break Camps are open to children 6 to 10 years of age. Join us for the full week and save 15 per cent, or sign up for one or two days.

Full Week: TBG Members $255; Public $276
Daily Rate: TBG Members $60; Public $65
Extended care: $60 per week or $12 per day


Monday, March 13
Learn to scuttle like a beetle, wiggle-dance like a bee, and jump like a grasshopper. We’ll spend time in the gardens exploring the secret life of our six-legged friends. You’ll also meet the residents of our worm chalet, and learn about the busy lives of honeybees.

Tuesday, March 14
Plant Superheroes
Discover the incredible superpowers of plants, come face-to-face with plants that look surprisingly like their favourite insects, and feed a meat-eating plant. Campers will also create their own plant superhero costumes and take home a plant with superpowers.

Wednesday, March 15
Do you want to learn how to grow your own food, even in winter? During this yummy day we will create and taste all kinds of foods including pesto pasta and salsa with chips. Satisfy your mind and your tummy during this delicious camp. All creations will be nut-free. Campers will take-home an edible plant to care for at home.

Thursday, March 16
Wild in the City
Let’s get wild! Learn what types of animals live in our city, and follow their tracks to see how they move through an area without being seen. Campers will discover and mimic the survival techniques of wild urban animals by engaging in fun outdoor games. Participate in dramatized stories about the city’s wildlife, and make birdfeeders to hang in the Wilket Creek ravine. The day will end with a visit from the Toronto Wildlife Centre and an opportunity to meet a few wild friends.

Friday, March 17
Nature Art
Get inspired by the natural world around you! Campers will learn to draw animals found around the TBG, sketch and paint along the scenic Wilket Creek, and create 3-D art with natural and recyclable items. A great camp for budding artists!

Extended Care
Busy schedule? Before and after care is available. TBGKids staff will provide supervision for free play and light recreational games, crafts and nature activities. Drop-off campers as early as 8:30 a.m. and pick up as late as 5:30 p.m. Sign-up for extended care when you register for camp.

阅读 4515 次数 最后修改于 星期六, 11 2月 2017 00:54


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