星期六, 08 2月 2014 23:08

2月16日 旺市春节联欢会 City of Vaughan Chinese New Year Celebration

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旺市春节联欢会 City of Vaughan Chinese New Year Celebration


City of Vaughan Chinese New Year Celebration
Of all the traditional Chinese festivals that are celebrated around the world, the Chinese New Year is perhaps the most elaborate, colourful and important in the Chinese community. It is a time to congratulate each other on having completed another year, and a time to part with the old and welcome in the new.
The 2014 Vaughan Chinese New Year Celebration to welcome in the Year of the Horse will be held on:
Date: Feb. 16, 2014
Time: 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: Vaughan City Hall

The celebration will include an official welcome from Mayor and Members of Council at 2 p.m., a traditional lion dance eye-dotting ceremony, 
Chinese folk dance and instruments and other performances. 


我打算带儿子去看,他也知道Chinese new year的,还说我家圣诞节的彩灯该收起来了。他很想看舞龙舞狮的。

阅读 4814 次数 最后修改于 星期日, 09 2月 2014 00:01


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