Serta每年都会对产品进行更新换代,这篇介绍是基于Serta 2018的系列说明。
1. Perfect Sleeper® 完美睡眠系列
这个系列的全部都是独立弹簧 但是在这个系列里还细分为三个子系列,Perfect Sleeper Advantage, Perfect Sleeper Statement, Perfect Sleeper Decadence.
Advantage 系列是: 760 Individually Wrapped Coil Support System with Total Edge® Foam Encasement
Statement系列是: 1020 Individually Wrapped Coil Support System with Total Edge® Foam Encasement
Decadence系列是:1120 Individually Wrapped Coil Support System with Total Edge® Foam Encasement
子系列 |
Advantage |
Statement |
Decadence |
尺寸(英寸) |
Top Upholstery |
CoolTwist Gel Foam |
CoolAction Gel Memory Foam |
Arctic Response Gel Infused Latex |
Twin |
404 |
530 |
630 |
39x75 |
Full |
608 |
796 |
896 |
54x75 |
Queen |
760 |
1020 |
1120 |
60x80 |
King |
1014 |
1306 |
1406 |
76x80 |
Perfect Sleeper大系列的第一个特点是,全部都是独立弹簧,独立弹簧也叫袋装弹簧系统Pocket coil, 只是因为Pocket coil这个词被Sealy注册专用了,所以Serta只能叫独立弹簧为Individually Wrapped Coil,但是其实是一回事,柔韧的独立袋装弹簧,依据睡眠者的体型与重量个别伸缩,承托力均匀,有效减少睡伴翻动时产生的影响,真正“零”干扰睡眠。
改版前的Perfect Sleeper只有两个子系列,弹簧是987的和1188的,现在分成了三个子系列,弹簧是760,1020和1120.
据工厂的介绍资料里,Advantage系列是代替了原来的987FE系列,而Statement是代替了原来的1188FE, 然后Decadence是新产品。
Decadence采用的是Serta最新开发的乳胶记忆棉 Arctic Response Gel Infused Latex.
第一种记忆棉材料 Arctic Response Gel Infused Latex 是Serta最新研发的高科技记忆棉,将乳胶与凝胶的完美结合,不仅提供完美的睡眠舒适度,更提供清凉触感,主要特点是自动根据温度调节,冬暖夏凉。提供有效后背支撑 ·分散身体重量 ·减轻身体压力 ·改善血液循环 ·减少辗转反侧。即使是在炎炎夏日,也不会觉得燥热。
第二种记忆棉材料Cool Action™ Gel Memory Foam的介绍是:
Serta’s Cool Action Gel Memory Foam is the world’s first memory foam infused with the support and cooling touch of Serta’s MicroSupport® gel. This revolutionary gel memory foam is designed to deliver excellent pressure relief and targeted support while helping to reduce heat build-up at the sleep surface. The combination of excellent airflow and heat dissipation allows our material to actually help whisk heat away from your body.
Cool Action是世界上首个将Micro Support TM凝胶注入到开放式细胞结构记忆棉中的行业最新材质。
第三种记忆棉材料 Cool Twist™ Gel Memory Foam的介绍是:
This exclusive liquid gel-enhanced memory foam is designed to help promote a balanced sleeping temperature and enhanced pressure relieving comfort. This material is designed for significantly increased airflow which helps move heat away from your body. Plus, in combination with our Pressure Balancing Design, it can help reduce the pressure points that cause tossing and turning. Finally, the unique design of our material gives it enhanced durability compared to other similar gel memory foams, for lasting comfort and support.
这三种材料的主要区别体现在乳胶与凝胶的百分比上。Arctic Response Gel Infused Latex的乳胶含量最高,并且主要的一个功能是提供了更好的舒适度,所以如果喜欢追求很硬的感觉,就不要选Decadence系列。
CoolAction是比较符合咱们华人的喜好的,支撑性最好,PS 最硬的型号也就是在Statement系列里的。
PS的三个子系列都有分带Super Pillow Top, Euro Top, 或者不带TOP的型号,我们展厅都有出样,根据个人对床垫软硬的需求,可以做相应的比较和选择。
2. Serta IWC 系列
以前这个系列的名字叫Slumber Form(梦乡系列),后来Serta打算取消这个系列的名字,就直接用Serta的名字来作为系列名字。因此这个系列的品牌就叫Serta IWC.并且还有一个重大的变化是,以前的梦乡系列下的高档子系列是用的CoolTwist的记忆棉,后来Serta决定CoolTwist只用在完美睡眠系列里,所以IWC就没有用记忆棉了,只是在Quilt里用了ComfortLuxe™ Gel了,这个材料比较薄,没有CoolTwist好。
700 Individually wrapped Coil Support System with BestEdge® Foam Encasement
900 Individually wrapped Coil Support System with BestEdge® Foam Encasement
Size |
900FE |
700FE |
Dimensions (in) |
Quilt |
ComfortLuxe™ Gel |
ComfortLuxe™ Gel |
Twin |
596 |
386 |
39x75 |
Full |
796 |
586 |
54x75 |
Queen |
900 |
700 |
60x80 |
King |
1166 |
950 |
76x80 |
3. SertaPedic Collection
第二类 MEMORY FOAM (天然乳胶记忆海绵型)
iComfort®睡眠系统。是Serta独有的高科技专利,首次实现了在记忆棉中注入Serta独家的MicroSupportTM凝胶这一革命性的伟大创新。其采用的Cool Action™双效凝胶记忆棉,突破了一般的凝胶记忆棉技术,通过MicroSupport®与MicroCool+™两项凝胶处理技术,制做成双效凝胶记忆棉,除具有一般凝胶记忆棉高舒适服帖支撑,同时有助于消散床垫睡眠表面区域的热量,平衡睡眠问题。凝胶所占比例达到50%,其制作的床垫具有多重效用。
Serta (国内叫舒达)成功连续的销售增长,其中的一个推动力便是iComfort系列的凝胶记忆海绵床垫取得成功,2012年该类产品表现更加出色,加上iSeries系列的凝胶记忆海绵床垫和内置弹簧床垫,使其零售领域的销售迅速增加。
Icomfort的明显特征是,没有内置弹簧,一般出样的时候都是放在Serta的遥控床上的,市面的价格昂贵,Serta的口号是“当您躺下的瞬间,即可感受到与众不同”, 最大的就是体现在其IComfort系列了。我有客户躺下试ICOMFORT床垫的时候,1分钟不到就居然睡着了呢。
代理了Serta的床垫这么多年,发现Serta永远都在不断的革新,发明和创新新的材料,永无止境的革新中,记忆棉最早是CoolTwist,后来在2011年开发出CoolAction,2014年的时候开发出CoolAction的Dual Effects双效的,在2016年的时候,Serta推出了最新科技的记忆棉,成功开发出了Titanium Gel Technology™。实现了Triple Effects.三效全能钛技术记忆棉。
第三类 MEMORY FOAM HYBRID (弹簧型和记忆海绵型的结合体)
Perfect Day® iSeries®
”特点:Intelligent Comfort·Individual Support智能舒适,私享支撑。舒达革命性的ISeriesTM结合了我们最先进的弹簧支撑系统和最出色的舒达创新设计。这是Serta第一次把独有的CoolActionTM凝胶记忆棉和舒达最先进的Duet CoilTM杜尔独立袋装弹簧支撑系统完美结合,增加睡眠表面的舒适性和独特个体的支撑性,智能承托和凉爽舒适的睡眠系统让您一觉到天亮。“
“传统记忆棉凭借其缓解压力和感知身体曲线的特点,深受消费者喜爱。然而许多人发现记忆棉睡久后会下陷较深,导致闷热、呼吸急促、睡姿难以调整等问题。以上情况从记忆棉诞生至今仍未解决。2011年,美国舒达全球睡眠中心研发出创新高科技材料——Cool ActionTM凝胶记忆棉。将MicroSupportTM凝胶注入记忆棉中,其凝胶独有的支撑性、清凉触感,完美的解决了传统记忆棉以往的不足与问题,配有Cool ActionTM凝胶记忆棉的舒达iComfort系列正式上市。2012年,中国舒达全面引进凝胶记忆棉技术,旨在提供“更智能、更凉爽、更卓越”的睡眠方式。2013年三月,弹簧与凝胶记忆棉结合的iSeries系列床垫已经得到美国总部授权在中国市场销售。在深圳家具展会上,初来乍到的iSeries床垫,市场零售价高达10万余元,顾客现场预定了3张。”
Duet® Coil Individually Wrapped Coil-in-Coil Support System with BestEdge® Foam Encasement
Our exclusive Duet® Coil Individually Wrapped Coil-in-Coil Support System features strategically placed Duet Coils that properly balance comfort and support across the entire sleep surface regardless of body type. This allows the system to respond to each sleep partner individually, intelligently sensing which areas of the body need cradling comfort and which need deep postural support. Each Duet Coil is engineered so that the exterior coil provides an initial soft and luxurious feeling, responding to weight and body movement instantly. Meanwhile, the interior coils, once engaged with body weight, react with increasing firmness, providing the essential support needed for correct postural alignment. Plus our Duet Coil Support System features a posturized design, with nearly two-thirds of the Duet Coils concentrated in the center third of the innerspring. (这段我就没有翻译了,看下面一段简版的介绍和翻译)
Serta’s revolutionary iSeries® technology combines our exclusive Cool Action™ Gel Memory Foam with our most advanced Duet® Coil Individually Wrapped Coil-in-Coil Support System. This results in a sleep system with intelligent cradling and cooling comfort at the sleep surface and exceptional individual support for each sleep partner.
Serta 革命性的 iSeries®技术将Serta独家的Cool Action™ Gel Memory Foam(凝胶记忆棉)和最先进的Duet® Coil杜尔独立袋装弹簧支撑系统完美结合。创造出非凡的支撑性能,将床垫的完美品质发挥到极致,增加睡眠表面的舒适性和独特个体的支撑性,智能承托和凉爽舒适的睡眠系统让您一觉到天亮。
再来看看Perfect Day® iSeries®的弹簧数量。
Size |
Coil Count |
Dimensions (in) |
Twin |
638 |
39x75 |
Full |
976 |
54x75 |
Queen1 |
1215 |
60x80 |
King |
1575 |
76x80 |
Iseries的床垫也是可以折弯的,可以配在Serta的Motion Essentials™(电动底床)上用。
一般每个规格都有两种软硬程度可以选择,Plush 和 Firm. 这两种型号的唯一区别就是最上面那层。Firm用的是Serta® Support Foam, 而Plush的用的是Serta® PillowSoft™ Foam。
Firm Mattress: A type of mattress with a construction that uses less foams and fibers so the sleeper sleeps closer to the support system, feeling less cushioning.
Plush Mattress: a type of mattress with a construction similar to the firm mattress, only with enhanced cushioning at the top of the mattress for a softer feel.
1. Smooth top, 就是没有增加额外表层。
下面的Firm Mattress和Plush Mattress都是这种形式。
The traditional Firm model offers classic tailoring with fewer plush comfort layers at the sleep surface than our other models, so you will feel the support system more prominently when you lie down.
从软硬的感觉上来看,Firm Mattress是最硬的。硬度指数是1~2.
Firm mattress的第三方介绍:
The use of carefully selected foams, in conjunction with tighter sewing patterns in the quilt, both help to create this firm feel. Firm mattresses typically have a lower height than their plush, pillowtop, or boxtop counterparts.
Firm mattresses offer optimal support, but are designed to offer limited give.
Firm mattresses have a layer of cushioning, but are not as soft as other models.
A firm feel is recommended for people who sleep on their stomach or back most of the time. These sleepers shouldn't be on a soft surface, or the back will tend to bow downwards, causing lower back pain.
A firm sleep surface keeps the back straight and provides a very comfortable night's sleep.
A firm mattress may not be the best choice for fibromyalgia or those who suffer from arthritis, tendonitis, burcitus, or other common ailments aggravated by too much pressure.
The traditional Plush model offers classic tailoring but has more "give" or softness at the sleep surface from additional plush comfort layers at the top of the mattress.
看上面两张图片,一眼看过会觉得好像是一样的,细心的同学会发现,其实这两张图片是不一样的。图片上的区别是在于床垫的表层是有凸凹有致的造型犹如“云朵”一般的,这种绗缝的密度就直接体现出是Firm还是Plush, 对于Firm Mattress则是密度大的,Plush mattress是密度小的。这个方法同样适用于其他品牌的床垫。
Plush Mattress 的第三方介绍:
Plush beds are the middle ground within the spectrum of comfort options available in mattresses today. They typically contain one to four additional inches of foam over firm mattresses.
By increasing the layers of softer convoluted foams and adding a tack and jump quilt in mid to upper level models, plush mattresses offer improved give over their firm counterparts.
People who sleep on their sides or sides and back may need a plush feel. This means that there is some quilted padding under the surface of the mattress. The padding provides cushion and pressure relief for the shoulder, arm, and hip when on one's side, and fills in the small of the back when lying on the back.
This type of mattress may not provide enough support for stomach sleepers.
A plush that has a latex core can work well for a back sleeper. A plush with latex can be a wonderful surface for sleeping.
This type of mattress may not provide enough support for plus size sleepers and may break down more quickly for them than firm mattresses.
2. Euro Top Mattress
The Euro top model features an additional upholstery layer at the top of the mattress for added softness at the sleep surface, like the Pillow Top. What makes the Euro Top different is the tailoring, which creates a slightly firmer feel than the Pillow Top.
硬度指数:3~4 在Plush 和Euro Top的硬度上,我觉得Serta给的这个指数有些型号不适用,因为有些型号是Plush 比带Euro Top的更软些。所以软硬指数只能是供参考,真正的硬度是根据不同型号,还有每人的感觉也不同的。
Eurotop Mattress的第三方介绍:
Eurotops mattresses are the newest style in bedding. Their unique design allows manufacturers to increase the amount of padding placed on top of the mattress with a smoother top and squared edges, even compared to pillowtop mattresses, thereby reducing pressure points and improving longevity.
3. Pillow Top Mattress
The Pillow Top model features an additional upholstery layer at the top of the mattress for added softness at the sleep surface. The additional upholstery layer allows you to sleep slightly farther from the support system, so you will feel more softness while still feeling the benefits of the support.
Euro Top和Pillow Top都是在床垫上增加了额外的表层来提供柔软的舒适,从外观上可以很容易区分, Euro Top的层侧面是平的,而Pillow Top的侧面就像枕头一样是有个凹进去边。
硬度指数4~5 是最软的型号了。
Pillowtops are the softest options available among our selection of mattresses. Built up from plush style mattresses, pillowtops contain an attached padding on the top of the mattress.
The design of this type of mattress lends itself to a feel even softer than its plush equivalent.
If you have ever added a mattress pad or topper to your mattress to make it softer, a pillow top model may be exactly what you're looking for.
Those who sleep on their side and back, but enjoy a much softer or more padded feel, prefer a pillowtop which provides a few more inches of padding sewn to the top of the mattress.
Pillowtops will tend to form depressions while you sleep. If this bothers you, a latex pillowtop surrounded in wool will reduce the depression.
4. Super Pillow Top
Supper Pillow Top和Pillow Top是一样的意思,只是这个增加的柔软层更加的厚,使得床垫更加柔软,因为老外有的喜欢很软的床垫。